Lamine Yamal en un entrenamiento con España


The 'road' that Lamine has to travel to stop being eligible for Morocco

Published:10/11/2023 - 02:02h

Updated:10/11/2023 - 02:03h

The FC Barcelona has in Lamine Yamal a big 'jewel', but also has it Spain, by what in the RFEF want to ensure the before possible the exclusivity like international of the canterano Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Lamine Yamal has had a debut dreamed with the selection of Spain. With 16 years and 57 days turned into the youngest player in contesting a party with the T-shirt of the Red, a record that he same commissioned of eclipsar because in this same in front of Georgia annotated the seventh so much of the goleada and became also the most precocious footballer in marking with the combined national. And, when having debuted, and played a second party besides, the RFEF part with advantage on the young talent, although it still does not have it tieed up of the everything.

According to the rule of the FIFA, a footballer with double nationality can change of selection if it has not contested a maximum of three parties (official or no) or raisin three years without playing with the combined national with which has debuted. By what after ausentarse in the previous stop of selections by some physical annoyances, the youngster needs at least a party more so that Morocco 'forget' of him of way definita.

The FIFA reviewed his rule on the capacity to select to a footballer in September of the year 2020 during the celebration of his 70º Congress, with the aim to adjust the possibility of announcement of the Federations with regard to the players that enjoy of different nationalities and can opt by different national teams.

Like this it specifies in the current norm of the FIFA

  1. In the moment to debut in official party with the current federation, already had the nationality of the country of the Federation to which now wants to represent.
  2. Had less than 21 years in the moment in which it played his last party with the current federation.
  3. It has not played more than three parties with the absolute selection of his current federation, so much in official competition like friendly party
  4. They have passed at least three years since it played the last party with the current absolute selection, already was in official competition or friendly party
  5. It has not contested any party any in final phase of a World-wide or continental tournament of confederations (Eurocopa, Glass America, Glass Gold, etc.) with the current absolute selection

A precedent for Spain that no longer would repeat

Equally if Yamal plays in a future with Morocco, would not be the first case in which the RFEF loses to a player that already has debuted with the absolute. In 2014, Munir The Haddadi played some minutes with the selection in an official party against Macedonia north, what in this moment comported that it could not be summoned by another country. However, when being lower of 21 years, Moroccan federation considered that it could be eligible, since had the nationality by his parents.

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