Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona


The words that show that Rafinha has not lost the faith in the Barça

Published:1/12/2018 - 18:30h

Updated:2/12/2018 - 02:39h

This year it was beginning to recompensar at last all the efforts that has done to have opportunities in the FC Barcelona, but an injury went back to cross on the way of Rafinha Alcántara. After his last optimistic messages, has gone back to repeat that it does not forget his dreams

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The season 2018-19 is putting numerous obstacles to the FC Barcelona in his way to the titles, and one of the most important is the one of the injuries. Already they are varied the players of the Catalan group that have gone through the infirmary in the last months, and between ailments of all type has colado an especially grave mishap that has affected to an usual protagonist.

The club has dumped to give support to a Rafinha Alcántara that does some days suffered the third injury of long length in the last three years. The knees have turned into the weak point of the midfield player, that in brief will go back to go through the operating theatre and will be section and working in his recovery during what remains of campaign.

After some days of silence and reflections, the one of Sao Paulo saw with the necessary strength to publish a communiqué in the social networks, in which it underlined that it does not go to surrender and that thinks to raise after fitting all the reverses that the life is giving him. "Which person is more prepared that I? I have happened it, I have raised me and if it goes back to happen raised me again", remembered.

And shortly after, in a back reflection, the canterano took advantage of to go back to share his thoughts, a strategy that already used in his previous processes of rehabilitation and that seems that it will go back to repeat. "It leaves that your dreams are greater that your fears", wrote the minor of the Alcántara beside a recent photography.

Although now it touches him another battle complicated in which it will put to proof his mental and physical fortress, the youngster does reference to a spirit that has guided him to be where is, by own merits in a changing room in which they coexist some of the best players of the world. Always it has repeated that his illusion was to be footballer of elite, and wants to attain it triumphing in the Barça.

In the Inter of Milan do not forget to Rafinha

In spite of that is clear that only the time will say until where can arrive, is clear that the opportunity in the Camp Nou has it more than deserved, something that know the culés and that also recognise in Italy. It is not casualidad that his publications have filled of comments of the followers of the Inter of Milan, that do not forget his brief go through Giuseppe Meazza and also send him messages of spirit. It is able to leave footprint there by where steps.

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