Francisco Trincao and Leo Messi with Barça


Trincao surrenders to Leo Messi when remembering his time at Barça

Published:18/05/2024 - 11:45h

Updated:18/05/2024 - 11:45h

Francisco Trincao recalled his time at FC Barcelona in a recent interview. Although he barely played one season, the Portuguese fondly remembered his time in Catalonia, making clear his respect for Leo Messi, whom he remembered with a funny anecdote

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The signing of Francisco Trincao in 2020 supposed an operation fallida for the FC Barcelona. The Barcelona group credited 30.9 million euros to the Knickers by the extreme, the one who arrived like a big promise after adding 8 goals and 12 assistances in the first division lusa. However, his adaptation to LaLiga did not fulfil the expectations and, after a pair of cessions, was traspasado the past summer to the Sporting CP by 7 'kilos'.

There, the one of Viana do Castelo has showed his best version this season, adding 10 so many and 10 assistances in 46 parties with the ones of Ruben Amorin, champions indiscutidos of the Primeira League. In spite of his fleeting go through Barcelona (played grieve 1.310 minutes delivered in 42 parties, with 3 goals and 2 assistances), the player of 24 years saves good memories of the club, mainly of Leo Messi.

On 'The Flea', Trincao did not hide his admiration and respect when remembering how was the '10' in the day in day out. . "It did not speak a lot, but when it did it, it did it well. It was more his presence, know that had there an idol, a reference. We respected that that said us and wanted to correct us enough inside the field, the positioning and what wanted to improve in our game", explained the extreme luso.

Trincao, surprised by the quality of Messi and Jordi Alba in the trainings

In this sense, Francisco mentioned a fun anecdote on the good roll that there was in the trainings of the Barça in that then, with Messi and Jordi Alba like leaders of the group. "When the training was stopped, whenever they saw a small goal at the end, did always the same. They called the one to the another and said: 'it Puts the ball'. And always they put it! It was amused, because they never failed", explained the international Portuguese.

On his only season with the Barça, Trincao defines his go through the club like an incredible "experience" when having shared with the "best " of the world". "It was an important step in my career, a snack of maturity that gave to learn a lot. My clause of rescission? It finish for being something normal, the majority of the staff had these costs (his was of 500 'kilos'). Claro that knew that had a big responsibility", puntualizó the one of Viana do Castelo, the one who amortised the half of the cost of his traspaso before leaving .

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