The ex footballer of the Real Madrid Álvaro Arbeloa and the journalist Manolo Lick enzarzaron in a war in Twitter by a comment that shared the salmantino after the white club won the Champions League in front of the Liverpool. Beside several icons shrinking of arms, shared a message of 2016, in which the Madrilenian criticised duramente the work of Florentino Pérez.

Manolo Lick did not fit well the 'tuit' of Arbeloa and loaded guramente against him mentioning him in several comments of Twitter reproaching him his poor contribution to the team when it was player and the fact to be bad mate with other components of the white changing room. In an interview to '20 minutes', the journalist went back to 'rajar'.

"Arbeloa Has been a good player and a bad mate of changing room"

It lick it did not show precisely kind when it spoke of the ex defence of the Real Madrid, and went back to reproach him to Arbeloa his form to act: "it Has been a good player and a bad mate of changing room. I think that it was a ball of Mourinho and that now works by and for the Madrid, and serves to this cause because they pay him".

Besides, the journalist criticó that Arbeloa agreed of him when the Real Madrid won the Champions League: "it seemed Me very poor of spirit that an uncle, instead of being happy because his team win the Champions, concern of a journalist. It is a stair more than attack to the sports of the Cope by the way sector ultra of the madridismo and therefore I answered him".

His course of Sports Four

Manolo Lick also spoke on the decreasing in audience that suffered Sports Four after his course: "We are professional, pay us and have to accept. The fall in audience of Four is not only by my course. There are a lot of factors so that they left to be a reference, although they keep on being the numbers one".

The sportive journalist criticised the forms in which Four did without he: "they did not sack me. I left to present 'The Manolos' and I did not want to be still in the bench. It did not seem me the most correct that, after eleven years, came somebody to give me a letter to say me that left to present".