Still there is the one who has the osadía to compare to Cristiano Ronaldo with Leo Messi. There is not doubt that the Portuguese is a grandísimo player of football and that it would have been the best of the world in the last decade if it did not go because it has coincided with Messi. But, first of all, it is necessary to be realistic: Ronaldo is a big striker and an electrical player during his youth, but never has equated to the Argentinian in influence in the game of his team.

It seems that Jerome Boateng, head office of the Bayern of Munich and next rival of the Real Madrid in semifinals of the Champions League, thinks distinct and sees to Cristiano Ronaldo like the most complete forward of the world. The defender germano will have to confront to the Portuguese in the European competition and, probably, was the attendant to mark it.

"Any forward can be more complete that Cristiano. It finishes with the right, with the left, with the head and everything to perfection. And in front of the contrary goal is like a machine", recognised the corpulento central of the Bayern of Munich, that undid in praises to his rival.

"You can not it cancel completely, always attains to have occasions in a party because has an excellent sense of the desmarque and a big timing", recognised Boateng, adding on the Portuguese that "take it out of the party only does the 50 percent, the others players of the Real Madrid are too good".

Experiences against Cristiano Ronaldo

Jerome Boateng recognised that had positive and negative experiences against Cristiano Ronaldo: "Have positive and negative experiences with him, this compensates . With the selection almost always have attained to neutralise it as in the 4-0 in the World-wide 2014. With the Bayern attain to delete once to the Real Madrid but have been deleted twice"

Praises to the Real Madrid

The central German finished saying that the game of the Portuguese fits to perfection with the one of the Real Madrid, reason by which takes out a big performance: "Besides the game of the Real Madrid is done to his measure. Therefore it is important to be compact like team, do reliefs in the marks and give him the lower possible space".