Cristiano ronaldo, last "victim" of rafa benítez

Cristiano Ronaldo, the last "victim" of Rafa Benítez

Cristiano Ronaldo, the last "victim" of Rafa Benítez

Published:10/10/2015 - 10:44h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

Since fichara by the Liverpool, Rafa Benítez has finish for angering to all the best players that has had in his teams and Cristiano Ronaldo could not be an exception. Gerrard, Lampard, Materazzi or Higuaín are some of the stars attacked by the Madrilenian

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In the recent days has given to know from Madrid that Cristiano Ronaldo and his trainer Rafael Benítez do not direct the word. It aims that to the international Portuguese has not liked him at all the form with which heads to he neither as it is treating him in this start of season, by what has decided to cut of raiz the personal relation and only limit to have to "hold" in the entrenos. But the case of Christian is not the first, neither surely will be the last, that has happened him to a big star with the Madrilenian trainer. Here they go a few:

-Liverpool: Steven Gerrard and Xabi Alonso

Rafael Benítez arrived in 2004 to the that has been, for now, his best adventure at the head of a bench, the one of the Liverpool. There it achieved the Champions League in the first season like trainer and little more. Three happy years turned into a hell for the boys of Benítez when the club sold to new owners.

From here Rafa saw enemies in all the sides and finish for arriving to put up for sale to Xabi Alonso after this complained of his demanding methods. The tolosarra also recognised time afterwards that after a party that did not contest because it finish to be born his son, his trainer would not forgive him and would put him the cross. To the greater icon that has had the English group in the last 30 years, Steven Gerrard, the things also went him badly with the trainer as it reflects in his biografíto and in which, between other things, stands out that it always was in his against.

-Inter Of Milan: Materazzi, Zanetti, Diego Milito and Esteban Cambiasso

After the Liverpool, in 2010, Rafa decided fichar by an Inter of Milan to the that finish to train José Mourinho, having it won everything. Here it arrived treating to delete all footprint left by the Portuguese trainer and finish crashing in one of his worst experiences like trainer. It put to all the team in his against and finish being destituido six months afterwards.

Everything began when several players wanted to speak with him on his methods in the trainings and in the parties, something by what the míster did not happen. Marco Materazzi was the first in leaving him to speak, later the argentinso Diego Milito and Cambiasso also would finish confronted to him. Javier Zanetti, eternal captain and man more diplomatic, would finish desquiciado and also would do him the bed to the trainer to cause his dismissal.

-Chelsea: Lampard and Terry

Rafa Benítez arrived to Chelsea to treat to help to the team from November after the dismissal of Roberto gave Matteo and as technical bridge and until the arrival of José Mourinho in 2013. There his football no enamoró but at least heaved a Europe League. What if it caused was another fire inside dle changing room after questioning to two heavy weights like Terry and Lampard.

The central, to the that the míster accused of not holding more than two parties followed, did not have a fluent communication with the trainer and also left him to speak. With Frank Lampard also there were problems and years afterwards affirmed in an interview that the current trainer of the Real Madrid  ?It is not the type of trainer with which can seat you to speak?.

-Naples: Gonzalo Higuaín

His arrival to Naples with the consequent signings of the Spanish market (Higuaín, Callejçon and Albiol) gave hopes to some hungry fans of victories. On the field, at all of football could see in a team that would finish winning the Coppa of Italy the first year but that would not classify never for the Champions League, first for losing in playoff and afterwards for concretising a tristísima second season.

Here again it had problems with the star of the team, Gonzalo Higuaín. The forward treated to speak with Benítez on his contínuos changes during the parties and the conversation finish to cries. Something alike would happen him to Alley, one of the best of his team these two years, and that finish being expelled of a training after Rafa accused him by fault of requirement.

Problems and more problems for a trainer that always finish for exasperating to his footballers and with which now Florentino Pérez has to to load. Only it has taken seven parties of League in angering to three heavy weights (Cristiano, Bouquets and Benzema), to see what takes in that all the staff finish for doing him the bed.

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