The seleccionador of colombia ensures that "I had to brake him with benítez"

"James has to have patience, had to brake him with Benítez"

"James has to have patience, had to brake him with Benítez"

Published:23/01/2016 - 10:47h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The seleccionador of Colombia, José Pekerman, has asked "patience" to James Rodríguez by the situation that this is living at present in the Real Madrid, where for the moment has not won the confidence of Zinedine Zidane and has seen how Isco has won him the game

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In some words that has collected "The Time", the seleccionador of Colombia José Pekerman has ensured that it had to calm recently to James Rodríguez by the situation of ostracism that lived to the orders of Rafa Benítez in the Real Madrid, and that seems that it is lengthening now with Zinedine Zidane that is trusting more in Isco Alarcón for the alignments titled that in the Colombian. Pekerman Is conscious of said situation, and has asked patience to James Rodríguez so that, to base of work and sacrifice, can go back to find a gap in the eleven.

"Lately we have not spoken, but yes we did it to finals of year. Had a lot of expectations to change of trainer and expected that the situation of Benítez resolved what before because had the memory of his previous stage. I had to reassure it". In spite of this, Pekerman thinks that the arrival of Zidane to the bench of the Real Madrid will finish being beneficial for the progress of James Rodríguez. "I am still thinking that the change goes to be positive. It has to have patience. It is insuperable, has all the conditions. All want to that it was headline and that this move it to the selection, that know that we need it very positive".

Pekerman Trusts besides in that James Rodríguez go maturing like footballer and person with the step of the time, in a context in which they do not leave of sucederse news that speak on the bad physical state and the nocturnal exits of the Colombian. "As well as Real Madrid is the maximum expression of the world-wide football, also is news, and the news are of all type. I think that James is a big professional, knows what represents for Colombia and has the mentality to go out forward".

"It is a bad moment for him and will serve of experience for a youngster that has grown very fast. Has problems like all the players, but do not lose the hope to recover it. It is a pure boy, transparent, that is living a different stage and goes to go out forward".

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