Luka Jovic Before a party this season


Jovic Already speaks like madridista: "The Real Madrid gives me an opportunity to grow"

Published:6/06/2019 - 14:39h

Updated:6/06/2019 - 14:39h

Luka Jovic Will play in the Real Madrid the next season. The Serbian has cost him to the whites 60 million euros and will compete with Benzema by a place. The forward sacked of his fans and besides referred to his signing by the team merengue

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid announced the signing of Luka Jovic the Tuesday of official form. The merengues will pay 60 million euros by the forward of the Eintracht of Frankfurt, that will play in Santiago Bernabéu the next five seasons. A big signing for the whites, that needed gunpowder and goals up like the eat from did time.

The already footballer of the Madrid has decided to sack of the fans of the Eintracht in his account of Instagram. The Balkan showed very appreciated by the time that happened in Frankfurt (two years), remembered his triumphs with the German group and besides referred to his recent signing by the Real Madrid. 

"Really I enjoyed these last 2 years in the Eintracht Frankfurt. I knew to a lot of fantastic people and played in a fantastic club. We can be proud of our attainments. Never I will forget this season of the Europe League! The most stood out was, of course, the victory of the Glass DFB 2017/2018 in Berlin!", it aimed.

On his arrival to the club madridista, the attacker did not doubt in recognising that it is an opportunity to which could not say him that no. It thinks that it will be an important step in his career to fulfil all his dreams. "The opportunity that offers me the Real Madrid is inmejorable to grow and be this big footballer with which dream all the boys", explained.

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I find liebe Eintracht Fans, wie ihr bereits erfahren habt, werde ich zu Real Madrid wechseln. Natürlich möchte ich die Chance nutzen und mich hier nochmal mit ein paar Worten an euch zu wenden. Die letzten 2 Jahre bei Eintracht Frankfurt habe ich sehr genossen. Ich habe viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt und in einem fantastischen Verein gespielt, der auch durch die Fans zu etwas ganz besonderem gemacht wurde. Auf unsere sportlichen Leistungen können wir stolz sein. It gave Europe League Saison mit euch werde ich niemals vergessen! You give Highlight war natürlich der DFB-Pokal Gewinn 2017/2018 in Berlin! Natürlich fällt Is mir gerade deshalb auch nicht leicht, Frankfurt zu verlassen. Jedoch öffnet mir Real Madrid eine riesige Tür, ein noch größerer Fußballer zu werden. Jedes Kind hat Gave Traum, bei solch einem Club zu spielen. Und ich erfülle mir Gave nun. Ich möchte mich bei der gesamten Eintracht und Give tollen Fans bedanken. Danke, für die Chance, die ihr mir gegeben habt, mich persönlich weiterzuentwickeln! Danke für eure Unterstützung! Ihr werdet immer einem Platz in meinem Herzen haben! Euer Luka Dear Eintracht Fans, Ace you have already read, I will moves to Real Madrid. Of course, I would like to take this opportunity to contact you here again with to few words. I really enjoyed the last 2 years at Eintracht Frankfurt. I met to lot of great people and played in to fantastic club, which was also made by the fans to something very special. We can be proud of our achievements. I will never forget this Europe League season with you! The highlight was of course the DFB Cup win 2017/2018 in Berlin! That's why it's not easy for Me to leave Frankfurt. However, Real Madrid opens to huge door for me to become an even bigger footballer. Every child Have this dream of playing at such to club. My dream Eat true now. I would like to thank the whole club and the great fans. Thank you for giving Me the opportunity to develop my personality! Thank you for your support! You will always have To place in my heart! Your Luka

A publication shared of Luka Jovic (@lukajovic) the5 Jun, 2019 to the 11:32 PDT

Jovic Will add mordiente to the white forward

The Serbian is a player of a lot of character and that bites continuously up. This is something that the Real Madrid does not have in the forward and that it can be very useful. Besides, it will add more than 20 so many by season, something very necessary taking into account that this alone course Karim Benzema has happened of the 20 goals between all the competitions.

Jovic Aims to acting of the French in the forward, although it also could play in front of him if Zidane decided to do a change of system. It seems that the trainer merengue could it to him pose, since it wants that the revolution was also in the way to understand the game. The idea could be attack more the spaces and add more people in the area. The Balkan could be very useful to play of this form.

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