The ex player of the inter speaks on the dismissal of benítez of the real madrid

Materazzi: "Benítez Always has the same problems"

Materazzi: "Benítez Always has the same problems"

Published:6/01/2016 - 12:49h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The one who went player of the Inter of Milan during the short stage of Rafa Benítez at the head of the group "nerazzurri", Marco Materazzi, has conceded some statements in which it has ensured that the dismissal of the Spanish technician of the Real Madrid saw come to the league

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In some statements conceded to "The Gazzetta Dello Sport", Marco Materazzi has gone back to criticise to Rafa Benítez ensuring that it already saw to come from does time the dismissal of the Spanish technician of the Real Madrid, since "it always has the same problems" regarding congeniar with all the players in the changing room, without having the sufficient chemistry with many of them and choosing edicts. "I made a mistake only some ten days", has commented Materazzi.

"You can be the best of the world, but will not arrive far if you do not have empathy with the players, if you do not have relation with which more personality have and if they are not to your side those that do not play", has manifested the current footballer of the Indian League, that does not save a good memory of Rafa Benítez in the Inter of Milan and remembers especially an anecdote occurred does some years in Milan.

"It is a film that already have seen before. In his first day in the Inter, put to speak with Zanetti, Cambiasso and Córdoba but did not cross neither word with Chivu. The excuse of the language was very feeble". This yes, Materazzi recognises also that the Real Madrid is a club "complicated", and that "is not sufficient to be chosen by the president to be immune. The fans are demanding and does not cost them only with winning by 1-0". And it has gone back to smash into Benítez. "I know him and always it has the same problems". Instead of having "good roll with Cristiano", went up "to the car of Bleat".

The Italian, finally, has surprised wishing good luck in the charge to Zinedine Zidane. "In the changing room can use his personality and the fact to having worked with many of these players with good environment (in his period of second trainer of the Ancelotti). But it will not have it easy. I am not ironic and wish him a lot of luck".

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