The past Tuesday, the Real Madrid put end to his dream to win four Champions League consecutive in one of the most black nights in the history of the madridismo. The Ajax of Ámsterdam achieved to trace back the 1-2 of the party of gone with a sonrojante 1-4 in Santiago Bernabéu that left to the whites out of the fight by the 'orejona'.

The public of the terracings of the coliseo madridista began to be in decline in the first chamber of hour, sufficient time so that the Ajax marked two goals that complicated a lot the existence to the team of Santiago Solari. What at the beginning was a fear incipiente, finish turning into a capital disappointment by the final result.

In this meeting, played a footballer that the next season lucirá the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona: Frenkie of Jong. The mediocentro Dutch made, of the same way that all his mates, a big party, contributing to the legendary traced back that the 'ajacied' achieved to materialise in front of the Real Madrid.

In the social networks and specifically in Twitter, the Ajax has decided sortear the T-shirt that Frenkie of Jong lució in Santiago Bernabéu the past 5 March, day of the elimination. It treats of an equipación distinct to the rojiblanca usual of the team of Ámsterdam, since this luce in black tones not to coincide with the white of the 'merengues'.

The T-shirt has a special value since no only is an only memory of a historical night for the Ajax, but because it carries it a footballer that in July will abandon the team to fulfil his dream in the Camp Nou. Of Jong already is part of the history of the 'ajacied' and will follow deleitando with nights like the one of the Tuesday until next summer.

The typical of Jong signed the T-shirt that the Ajax sortea between all the users of Twitter that follow the official account of the Dutch team and that give him to 'likes me' to the publication. For the moment, they have surpassed the 17.000 'likes'.

The tuit of the Ajax