Cristiano Ronaldo, a footballer that up to now always had commissioned to improve to the maximum his performance in the parties to try be a slight shadow of Leo Messi, is seeing how the years happen bill and, ready to fulfil the 32, his intermittent performances are opening debate already between which up to now were his more acérrimos defenders.

The defeat fit by the Real Madrid in Seville (2-1) has lit the alarms in the group merengue, dispelling the castles in the air and giving back to the reality to a Christian Ronaldo that, in spite of the prizes received in the last months, finds in full decline.

The intermittence of Cristiano generates debate in Madrid

From here that Tomás Roncero, the editor boss of the section of Real Madrid in the daily "ACE", have been the first in writing a column of opinion something critical with the moment that crosses the luso with the team trained by Zinedine Zidane.

"I miss to Cristiano desatado, heroic, infatigable, ultracompetitivo, had to play it all (...). Since Zidane dosifica the efforts of the Portuguese, see each weekend a Christian to the that costs him go in in the party (...)".

"In front of the Granada, does a week, saw him little participatory. A golazo of head and little more. This Sunday, goal of penalti impecablemente executed in Seville and three finish failed of form inhabitual in him", have been some of the sentences of his article.

If it wants to go back to aspire to some prize in what it remains him of career futbolística and close the open debates, Cristiano Ronaldo will have to improve his numbers and, in general lines, all the performances in the rows of the Real Madrid.