The ex trainer of the real madrid has published a controversial letter

The controversial letter of farewell of Benítez of the Real Madrid

The controversial letter of farewell of Benítez of the Real Madrid

Published:5/01/2016 - 18:36h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The already ex trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, has written a letter with which has sacked of all the fans of the Real Madrid, of the players and of "all those that helped", without mentioning to Florentino Pérez. It wishes all the luck of the world to Zidane

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The already ex technician of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, has made public in the last hours a letter with which has sacked of the fans merengue and has wished a lot of luck to his successor in the charge of trainer of the first team, Zinedine Zidane, after having been ninguneado this past Monday to the enterarse purportedly of his cessation like technician before by the press that by mouth of the president, Florentino Pérez, to the one who has not mentioned in the letter.

Benítez Has wished all the luck of the world to Zidane, "as well as to all and each one of the players, technicians and personal, those that work so much in Valdebebas as in the Bernabéu for the sake of the Club. His luck will be the one of our Real Madrid, to the that wish all the best". This is the whole letter that has communicated Rafa Benítez, and of which already have done multiple echo media like the newspaper "MD":

"Arrived to this coyuntura, and in the hour of the goodbye to my stage like trainer of the first staff of the Real Madrid, would like me that this note served to sack me of all the estamentos of the club of brief and concise form. Although they bank me feelings and vivencias, want that all those that form this entity, from his managerial board to the last of his fans, going through leaders, workers, followers and simpatizantes, know that for me has been an honour occupy this charge in the club that saw me grow like footballer, like person and like trainer of the inferior categories until arriving to the first team.

Like madridista, Madrilenian and sporty formed in the values and priorities of this institution, that taught me in the ancient Sportive City of the Castellana, have felt me honoured with the opportunity that have had to work by these colours. It would like me give the graces of special form to all these people that have helped me, from the first day that stepped the new Ciudad Real Madrid or Santiago Bernabéu, to all those that have done easier my work in these months, to those that have given the best of himself same to try approach us to the common aim... To which, in summary, have loaned me his support at all times to do, step by step, this way that looked for the success of the entity above all else and of each one of us.

Said the previous, would like me wish all type of lucks to Zinedine Zidane, my substitute, and to all his team of work, as well as to all and each one of the players, technicians and personal, those that work so much in Valdebebas as in the Bernabéu for the sake of the Club. His luck will be the one of our Real Madrid, to the that wish all the best. Therefore, from the respect and the affection, thank you and Hala Madrid... And AT ALL MORE!!!".

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