If of somebody did not expect some statements against of Cristiano Ronaldo that was Paco Buyo. The exportero of the Real Madrid has dismissed to taste in an interview in "The Confidential" in which it has ensured that "in my period all the players of the Real Madrid paid to Inland revenue".

Besides, Buyo has explained how has changed everything: "Before we had a disadvantage: that earned in the rough. If they paid you 100, you had to ingresarle 53 to Inland revenue. Point. In my period all the players of the Madrid tributábamos. Now it earns in net and happen these things".

"In the Madrid earned well but, repeat, paid more than the half to Inland revenue", remarked Buyo that thought, on the case of Cristiano Ronaldo, that "does not have at all that see the Real Madrid in this. Cristiano is a physical person that has his advisers and can make a mistake. It has made a mistake? As to pay, as all son of neighbour, that Inland revenue are all. I in this do not go to defend him".

They surprise these statements because Buyo is usual tertuliano in the program that directs Josep Pedrerol in "Mega", that few times has criticised to Cristiano Ronaldo -in comparison with the deal that received Lionel Messi in his moment-. 

Liberman Confesses that Cristiano is hurt

The Argentinian and fellow journalist intimate of the Portuguese -as it explains he same- published this Sunday a message in his account of Instagram detailing how is living Christian all the case that links him with a possible fraud to Inland revenue. 

In this, Liberman ensures that the forward luso want to that it produce some type of official movement by part of the club to public level, alleging that the official communiqué is insufficient and wet paper. We will see if during the next week Florentino or some director attends to the media for esclarecer which can be the future of CR7.