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The Real Madrid Foundation, in the midst of a scandal over an event at the Bernabéu

Published:25/11/2023 - 04:24h

Updated:25/11/2023 - 04:24h

The 2023 for the Real Madrid has been very near of the polémcia in almost all moment and to close this month of November has arrived a new with regard to his Foundation

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The Real Madrid returns again to a controversy after having been reported formally by FACUA-Consumers in action through the company Ticketmaster, agent of events in Santiago Bernabéu. The procedure has been in front of the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Diary 2030 for forcing to make donations to two foundations if they want to purchase entrances for the concerts that will celebrate Luis Miguel in July of 2024 in the stadium of the team merengue.

One of them is the Foundation Real Madrid and this has done that the whites see again involved in an institutional scandal in this 2023. The complaint aims that the donation that all the users that have bought the entrances will have to assume is of 2,20 euros for the foundation madridista and, besides, also exists another amount of 1,10 destined euros for the Master Foundation Cares.

FACUA Signals that this practical is "entirely abusive" because "it imposes to the consumer the payment of additional quantities to be able to purchase his entrance". And it argues that "they contradict entirely the own sense of a donation, that is a payment that does of voluntary and selfless form". Like this, the Madrid seems that it will have to movilizarse to try that one of the first concerts in his remodelled stadium do not see prejudiced.

The novelties seems that they could follow

It fits to stand out that the general secretary and spokesman of FACUA, Rubén Sánchez, signalled in 'Sport' that it is the first time that them sucede a situation like this. In fact, it went "an user" the one who put in alert to the association and, from here "investigate and verify" before "presenting the complaint" in front of the Ministry.

For the moment "there is not answer, is recently presented", but the aim is that Ticketmaster "give back the money that has earned initially". For this, before has to have "a penalizing file" and, from here "already will be his problem how fix it", signalled Sánchez, the one who equally understands that "the one who have taken the decision or the one who if it carries the money, if the Foundation or the one who was, neither know it neither interests us", resolved.

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