The trainer of the real madrid spoke also on the relapse of james in the injury

The keys of Benítez for the derbi against the Athletic

The keys of Benítez for the derbi against the Athletic

Published:3/10/2015 - 14:55h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, conceded a press conference in which it spoke of the keys to try win to the Athletic of Madrid this Sunday in League BBVA. The technician 'merengue' was asked also by the physical state of James, Bleat and Bouquets

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In statements offered in press conference, Rafa Benítez analysed all the appearances of the party of League BBVA 2015-16 that will confront to his team, the Real Madrid, this Sunday against an Athletic of Madrid in low hours. The technician 'merengue' believes firmly in the possibility that the whites achieve the three points to follow litigating by the leadership of the competition.

"We will face the party to win. Can win of a way or another. Go up or expecting. The Athletic is a big team, a big club and are doing it very well. It is a very directed team and has the inducement to be a derbi. Confidence any and will go out very centred", commented in general lines on the 'derbi'. It regretted the relapse in the injury of James Rodríguez.

"We with the lesionados after the trip did a training the Thursday, he had a hit and had annoyances again. It does not arrive for this party. Fortunately Ulloa and Pekerman are here in Madrid and have received all the information of our doctor. The player is not in conditions and can not play". Those who himself will be able to play are Sergio Bouquets and Gareth Bleat. "The two have trained and therefore they will be in the announcement. The one who go or no to the eleven will decide it morning".

Benítez Expects a very complicated party. "It will be a party of character and passion as it is usual. That it open or it will not give the tactical nuances. They will be an orderly team and with intensity. His virtue is that it is a good orderly team, that works, puts intensity and takes advantage of to the maximum his quality. We have to answer with character and intensity and treating to play to the football". And it spoke also on the keys to conquer Vicente Calderón.

"Always it can improve, but the numbers indicate that the team is well and the feelings also. It is necessary to follow improving the good level that have. The keys depend on if they open or no, of if they expect us or us presionan up. If they defend they will be compact and it will be necessary to look for spaces. Have clear what have to do, but how face the party conditions you".

Finally, also they asked after him the record of goals of Cristiano Ronaldo in the Real Madrid. "In the case of Christian his numbers are here and expect that the numbers follow improving. I congratulated him and I said him that it follow marking a lot of goals. The fact that he was here in the history of the Madrid is very important", expressed Benítez.

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