Terrible attack that has attacked to the heart of the community chií in the Iraqi city of Bleat. A terrorist attack carried out by the group autodenominado Islamic State and that has caused a total of sixteen dead persons as well as twenty injured. Everything took place in a café that is headquarters of the crag of the Real Madrid in the Arab country.

East has been the communiqué of the Real Madrid in this regard:

"The Real Madrid C. F. It regrets deeply the terrible attack that today in Iraq has finish with the life of 16 members of a crag madridista and that besides has caused more than 20 injured.

The club shows his total sadness and offers his affection and his condolencias to the familiar and friends of the victims.

The Real Madrid does extensiva all his solidarity to the village of Iraq, that suffers the immoderate injustice of an extreme violence.

The players of the Real Madrid lucirán tomorrow a symbolic black bracelet in signal in mourning and respect. Because the Football and the Sport will be always territories of meeting, concord and peace with which will not be able to any type of wild terrorism.

The madridismo of all the world cries today by his fans, to which will not forget".