To the president of the real madrid has gone out him by seven millions and half the prank to change of trainer in January

This costs him to Florentino the change Benítez-Zidane

This costs him to Florentino the change Benítez-Zidane

Published:6/01/2016 - 12:23h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

To the maximum white mandator seems that him leftover the money and has thought an enésima revolution inside the Real Madrid that has begun sacking to the trainer hired this month of June. Something that will cost him several million euros

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To the president of the Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, are not him going very well the things in the last time. The maximum white mandator created a problem where did not have it the sack the past summer to Carlo Ancelotti, that had won to all the changing room and to the white entity, and substitute it by a pragmatic man like Rafael Benítez, that arrived to the white house with the idea (been born from up) to sort out between the stars merengues. And, obviously, it has finish escaldado.

It is clear that the staff put him against to the trainer almost at the beginning of the season, something that has not known revertir later. With all this, to Florentino has gone out him by a beak the whim to having had during six months to the Madrilenian technician headed by the white ship. As it aims the newspaper "Sport", Benítez goes earning a clear of five million euros.

Besides, an information appeared in several means stands out that the dismissal of the Madrilenian has not cost more since had pactado that if it was sacked before 21 January, only would earn the corresponding to the first year of the three signed. Something that has saved a bit the tesorería white that, still like this, will have spent in total seven millions and half in the change.

And it is that the wage of the French Zinedine Zidane, up to now in the filial madridista, will become of two millions and half. The technical Frenchman, without hardly experience in the professional football except the time that carries in the Castilla, has signed a good agreement that will have him tied to the white entity during the next three years. This if his current president does not go back to do one of his...

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