The ex trainer of the real madrid has dotted the i's and cross the t's

Tremenda "rajada" Of Benítez on the Madrid of Florentino

Tremenda "rajada" Of Benítez on the Madrid of Florentino

Published:18/02/2016 - 11:14h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The one who was does little trainer of the Real Madrid and was sacked to half season by Florentino Pérez to the not obtaining the good white group results, Rafa Benítez, has undone in hard criticisms directed to the figure of Florentino and the little patience that has

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In an interview conceded this past Wednesday to the British chain "BT Sport" during the transmission of the ACE Rome-Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez undid in hard criticisms directed mainly to the figure of Florentino Pérez by the little patience that had to the hour to cease him like trainer of the first white team, and when considering that it does not have a solid model as yes they have other clubs as for example the FC Barcelona, by what is not odd that the culés have won five of the last seven leagues and the Real Madrid so only one. Benítez, without place to doubts and as it was to expect sooner or later, has not bitten the tongue.

"It is not easy to be trainer of the Real Madrid. You have to do all perfect. If something goes bad or if the president thinks that something goes badly then are in problems". It was not easy for Benítez work in the Real Madrid with Florentino Pérez constantly speaking so much with press as with players. "It is not easy to know exactly what has happened in the Real Madrid in the last years. You have been able to see to Camacho, Of the Forest, Pellegrini, Mourinho, Ancelotti...".

For Benítez, the season was not being so bad with him in the charge of trainer. "I think that we were doing a good work, were improving satisfied went completing the season. The normal is to expect to evolve, but there was not patience. I think that we did it very well, but the fans put a bit nervous, the president put a bit nervous and they opted for changing of technician". Florentino always was around, controlling it everything.

"My assistant Fabio Pecchia said: have a constant pressure of the president. He was around. It spoke with the players, spoke with the press... That it was always around it is not easy for a technician, especially when you have trained in England and have this experience. It was not easy to see to the president speak with the players and with the press every day".

The problem of the Real Madrid, ensured Benítez, is that it does not have sportive consistency. "The key is to be consistent. To win the League have to be consistent. You have to struggle against the Barcelona, that has a style and a model of football. The Real Madrid changes of trainer every year and has to start afresh. That is the reason by which the Madrid has won a League of the last seven, the Barcelona five and the Athletic of Madrid one".

"The Barça has been in six finals in the last eight years and has won the double or more than the double of titles that the Real Madrid since the president (Florentino Pérez) is here". Rafa Benítez is something angered by the form as it went out of the Real Madrid. "A bit. I say that I am sad. I was 20 years in the Madrid, arrived and saw that had good professional. See that you can not contralar the things as you want to and improve the team is frustrante".

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