Joan Laporta in a press conference


Clear message! Laporta confirms that the Super League is the best for Barça

Published:21/12/2023 - 11:25h

Updated:22/12/2023 - 06:19h

The FC Barcelona has pronounced of clear and conclusive form on the European court's decision on the Superliga. Laporta Has spoken in a video defending the tournament, leaving clear that it is the best for the Barça and that this will not prejudice to the rest of clubs

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"The FC Barcelona wants to express his satisfaction with the sentence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (TJUE) in which it endorses the project of the Superliga proposed by To22 Sports. As one of the entities impulsoras of the Superliga, the FC Barcelona considers that the sentence opens the road to a new competition of football of maximum level in Europe when manifesting against of the figure of the monopoly in the world of the football, and wants to offer a proposal of dialogue on which has to be the model of European competition of the future", of this way initiated the Barça his conclusive message on the court's decision on the feasibility of the Superliga.

The group barcelonista did not doubt in pronouncing by means of the writing and also with a video of Joan Laporta. The president was very clear in his intervention and ensured that the Superliga European is the best for the future of all the clubs, between them of course the FC Barcelona, that need greater income for his survival. Besides, it confirmed that this failure leaves without arguments to the UEFA and the FIFA, that up to now had the monopoly of everything.

The maximum mandator barcelonista also ensured that the Superliga neither much less goes to finish with the rest of clubs of the world. Jan revealed that the idea of all the project is to speak with all the teams to look for the best possible exit, and that of this form economically can have a common profit that at present does not exist with the UEFA and the FIFA, that remain a lot of money of the that generate the own clubs.

The rest of the communiqué of the Barça on the failure

"From his foundation in 1899 the FC Barcelona has been a pioneering club in the world of the sport, leading the impulse and the profesionalización of his structures, so much to domestic level like international, so much in the masculine competitions as in the feminine, from his vocation polideportiva and social slope. By this reason, as it has been defending in the last years, the Club thinks that the sustainability of the European football to half term goes through the creation of a concept like which heads To22 for the Superliga. A competitive model that contribute solutions to overloads it of the calendar and to the excess of parties of national selections, that advance in the regulation regarding the fair-play financial between the teams of the competition and that put to the players and fans of the local and international football in the centre of the show. A model that respect the operation and the sustainability of the domestic competitions and that it has to have in the meritocracia of the results the main engine of the game.

"In the year in which the Club will fulfil the 125 of history, the Barça wants to follow contributing his experience and knowledges polideportivos to propose solutions to the current problems that has the sport of high competition. By this reason supports the proposal of Superliga promoted by To22 and encourages to initiate a constructive debate between all organisms futbolísticos so much to domestic level like international, now that has remained endorsed by the sentence of today of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Everything remains subject to a complete reading of the sentence"

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