Promotions, relegations, leagues... The Super League details its renewed project
The Superliga European has explained how will be his new project, that does not seem at all to what went his birth does a pair of years. The competition will be totally open, will have three internal leagues of 64 teams in total and will be based in the sportive merit
The Superliga European has explained in detail how will be the competition, that has suffered remarkable changes and improvements regarding what explained initially. As they have explained from To22, the organisation commissioned of the project, will be a tournament composed by 64 clubs in total, with three divisions. The first will be the Star League, that will have 16 teams, the second will be the Gold League, with other 16 and the last the Blue League, that will have the thickness of entities with 32.
As they have insisted Laporta or Florentino Pérez, the project will be open, without permanent members and his participation will base in the sportive merit. There will be promotions and annual descents between the three leagues and the pass to the Blue League, the less important of the three, for saying it somehow, will base in the classification attained in the national leagues.
On the other hand, all the parties of the competition will be to gone and turn in groups of 8 teams. Therefore, to final of season each team will contest a minimum of 14 annual meetings in the Superliga, having quite a lot of more profits that in the current Champions League or in the Europe League. It can that this was what finish to convince to some skeptical teams with the project.
Promotions and descents by sportive merit
The form in which they will determine the promotions and descents in each league will be by means of an eliminatory phase to final of course, by what all will have options to aspire to rise with the best of Europe. Besides, it has ensured that in his first year of birth the allocation of each club to his corresponding division be will do by means of sportive merits, surely taking into account the coefficient UEFA or how have remained in his respective Leagues.
Also it is necessary to stand out that todos the parties of the Superliga will be able to see totally in open and of free form in a new platform in streaming that will create especially for the tournament. Of this way, this project want to put end to the abuses that there is nowadays for seeing football, since every year it is more expensive and a lot of fans can not allow pay for that.