Ilaix Moriba, in a training of the FC Barcelona


Agreement between the Barça and the Leipzig for the traspaso of Ilaix

Published:30/08/2021 - 20:00h

Updated:30/08/2021 - 22:25h

The Barça and the Leipzig finally have pactado the traspaso of Ilaix Moriba, the one who already has received the permission of the Barcelona club to travel to Germany. The agreement has signed after the team germano went up his offer in more than 10 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona already has achieved the solution to the case of Ilaix Moriba, when all seemed to indicate that, to fault of agreement to leave or renew, would remain in the terracing during all the season. Nevertheless, the RB Leipzig finally has attained to present an offer convincente to the Barcelona institution.

In total, will be 16 million euros, more other 7 by concept of variables like part of a previous agreement that adjusts to the minimum of 20 millions that demanded the Barça. Besides, the club has awarded him the permission to travel to earths germanas and sign his agreement before his presentation and incorporation to the staff.

Of this way, arrives the denouement of one of the 'novels' that kept the club during this market of signings. Regarding his preference by the German team, Sportive World has indicated that his decision obeys to the bet that does the Leipzig, that besides will contest the next edition of the Champions in the 'group of the death'.

The decision of Ilaix

The Tottenham Hotspur also joined to the bidding by the canterano; in fact, his surroundings would have suggested him fichar by the team londinense to increase his value of market. Nevertheless, it saw the option of the 'red bulls' as a safer road, after they increased considerably his initial offer of 6 million euros.

In definite, the Barcelona and the representatives of the Hispanic-guinean have reached the one who perhaps would have been the best possible solution, with which the institution will receive the quantity estimated, whereas the player will not see resignado to happen a season marginado of the activity.

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