Aleix García in a match with Girona


Aleix García confirms his desire to play for FC Barcelona

Published:5/12/2023 - 22:48h

Updated:6/12/2023 - 02:50h

Aleix García has had a remarkable start to the season with Girona. The 26-year-old midfielder is currently the best defensive pivot in LaLiga and, in a talk with 'Movistar Plus+', he made it clear that his dream is to play for FC Barcelona

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The big beginning of season of the Girona has had in Aleix García to one of his main figures. The mediocentro adds 3 goals and 4 assistances in 15 parties with the ones of Míchel, being for a lot of the best defensive pivote of LaLiga at present, In the previous of the visit of the group 'albirrojo' to the FC Barcelona, the player of 26 years did not hide his admiration by the culés.

"It would like me play in the Barça. It is the club that have followed from small and the one who always has liked me", said the one of Ulldecona in a talk with 'Movistar Plus+'. For Aleix, the exit of Oriol Romeu and the arrival of Yangel Herrera has given him more eases to deploy his football. The Sunday, without the Venezuelan (drop by injury), the '14' of the Girona will have a big challenge to lead the centre of the field of his team and lucirse in Monjuïc.

Aleix Had to excuse in 'X' with the fanatical of the Girona

Previously, the mediocentro had referred to the exit of Oriol Romeu to the Barça in a talk with 'RAC1'. "I also would have gone me to the Barça as Oriol Romeu, with the enclosed eyes. Have gone out of the Barça as it did he and now can go back, no had thought it to me neither", said on the possibility of Oriol to return to the Girona in 2024, a very feasible option because of the little shooting that has had the '18' culé in the last weeks.

After this interview, García had to excuse with the fans of the Girona through his account in 'X' (ex Twitter). "It would like me clear the words that said yesterday, only supported to a big fellow as it is Oriol Romeu. In any moment have said that I would leave me with the enclosed eyes. They are situations totally different, mine and the one of him. If somebody has felt offended, I'm sorry a lot. Master to the Girona", wrote the Catalan in his profile.

The confidence of Míchel, key for the explosion of Aleix García

In another interview with 'DAZN', García recognised the importance of Míchel for his big moment. "The characteristic that I more value of Míchel is simple: the style of game. PPloughs me, personally, is very important a trainer that play to what to me likes me, because at the end it values this style of game that I can have". Aleix fichó By the Manchester City in 2016 and, after a fleeting step by Belgium and Romania, returned to Spain in 2021 with the Eibar. In summer of this year fichó by the Girona, where has finished to grow like professional.

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