Angelo Stiller partido


Angelo Stiller is said to be closer to Barça than Kimmich and Zubimendi

Published:21/06/2024 - 21:23h

Updated:22/06/2024 - 08:06h

FC Barcelona are looking to secure a central midfielder this summer and, given the quality-price ratio, especially the latter, Angelo Stiller is the best positioned player. Hansi Flick likes his profile

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The 'operation pivote' of the FC Barcelona seems not having final. It began in the past summer while the club looked for to a relief for Sergio Busquets and will have continuity during this year with the arrival of Hansi Flick to the bench. It understands that it is necessary to have a mediocentro 'natural' that it can give consistency to the team and has put several names on the table.

In addition to the players that already were in the diary of the Barcelona group, as it is the case of Martin Zubimendi (Real Sociedad) or Joshua Kimmich (Bayern of Munich), the trainer Teutonic has proposed to Angelo Stiller like an alternative that would fit in his idea of game and that it would be much more accessible, economically speaking, that the rest of names in the list of the Barça.

The midfield player of the Stuttgart, that was one of the big 'disclosures' of the Bundesliga in the last season and was key so that they finished the course in the second position, by in front of the Bayern, will have a price that rondaría the 25 million euros; much less that what would cost Kimmich or Zubimendi. Both are valued in 60 'kilos'. According to an information of Relief, fits in the plans of the Barcelona group to economic level and has the 'plus' that to Flick likes him his profile.

The economic factor will play a key factor for the Barça

In this sense, to day of today would be much more feasible the incorporation of Angelo Stiller this summer to the one of the previous alternative. It is not a secret for anybody that the culés cross a delicate financial situation and that the priority is 'fix' the accounts, with Barça Vision as big 'need', before being able to do plans for the market of signings. Everything seems to indicate to that the culés will have to expect until the month of July to try 'move' and try reinforce the staff.

In spite of this, the sportive direction finds analysing all the alternatives and 'defining' which would be the most viable. In this group would go in the player of the Stuttgart and would cause that they moved away definitively Kimmich and Zubimendi, two of the names that the Barça has had his diary from does a long time, but that have been impossible by the economic factor.

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