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Barça has very clear what to do with Joao Félix and Cancelo

Published:3/02/2024 - 18:12h

Updated:3/02/2024 - 22:40h

The soap opera with the signing of the Joaos seems to have come to an end and the board is firmly betting on the signing of the Portuguese for next season. Two players with different performances but for Laporta and Deco they are important pieces of the project

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Between the a lot of incógnitas that surround to the Barça of the next season, one of which more concerns to the fans is the continuity of the Joaos. Nevertheless, for the president Laporta and Deco, the continuity of the two Portuguese players is on the table and the club will go to by all with both. In fact, in the interview that conceded the maximum Barcelona leader in RAC1, could affirm categorically that "Deco is working so that they follow", a message that leaves clear that the lusos go in in the plans of the Barça the season that comes.

Both players arrived to the team in quality of yielded, being a firm bet of the Barcelona president to give back the illusion to the staff. Besides, his representative Jorge Mendes was a key piece for ultimar the cessions, and will be it to formalise his imminent signings. Two players with different performances and roles very distinct in the staff, a side 'joker' that it can play where ask him and an irregular extreme, able of the best and of the worst.

Joao Cancel, the signing that more convinces

By his part, Joao Cancel arrived to the team to cover the square of the right side, but his role in the team has gone much more there. It has seen him of extreme by the right band and also has served of 'patch' in the left side with the injuries of Marcos Alonso and Balde. Although his injury in the knee has done him go down a bit the performance, is one of the maximum offensive arguments of the Barça this season. His confined by the band have signed three goals and three assistances in 24 parties, and although his defensive contribution is not one of his virtues, is one of the best of the world in his position. His agreement with the City expires in 2027, but his bad relation with Guardiola could favour his signing by the Barcelona team, that will look for to do with the Portuguese by less than 25 millions.

Joao Félix, a full purchase of doubts

The another expensive of the coin is Joao Félix. His arrival to the City Condal was a whim of Laporta, since Xavi was not of the all convinced. It started very well the season, but his irregularity has seeded a lot of doubts and has cost him be an acting more. It treats of a player with a quality of world-wide class, but his problems of attitude and his lights and shadows in the field have done that the technician do not take it into account. Seven goals and five assistances in 28 parties and a downward importance in the staff with the step of the time are some of the marks of the luso like culé. Even so, the Barcelona directive is convinced with his signing and, although the negotiations with the colchoneros will not be easy, his little affinity with the club of the capital could be one of the arguments of his exit.

Nevertheless, still it is for seeing who will substitute to Xavi in the benches culés, a data that will be important to value the continuity of these two players, since the one who arrive will have to agree. Besides, it will be necessary to take into account the fair play available of face to the season that comes and if the 'wallet' will give to formalise these two signings. Still like this, still it remains a lot of season to follow valuing the performance of the Portuguese and if it is worthwhile to do them of the house.

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