Marcus Thuram vs Leipzig


Barça practically rules out the signing of Marcus Thuram

Published:11/03/2023 - 19:17h

Updated:11/03/2023 - 19:17h

Marcus Thuram continues to shine and with it gaining the interest of various clubs in Europe. The Bayern of Munich would be in the 'pole' by his signing, what seems to distance more and more to the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has foreseen to make several movements of market during next summer. One of the favourites in the diary is the leading Marcus Thuram. However, his vertiginous promotion has caused also that other clubs with an economic muscle solider can compete and present better proposals for finally convince him to add him to his rows.

The French attacker will culminate agreement with the Borussia Mönchengladbach at the end of the present season and does not have intentions to sign his renewal, by what already finds in freedom to initiate conversations and negotiations with other clubs, with the aim to conform a new sportive project of face the beginning of the season 2023/2024.

The career by his signing

After a brilliant participation in the past edition of the Glass of the World and to show a good performance in the Bundesliga, the name of Marcus Thuram continues waking up the attention by part of several clubs 'top' of the continent. At present, the one who would be in the 'pole' would be the Bayern of Munich. The Bavarians want to reinforce his forward and follow missing a figure goleadora like the one of Robert Lewandowski.

But no only the Bavarians would be very attentive to his situation. Out of Germany also there are options for the son of the defender champion of the world in 1998. In this list also appear names like the ones of the Athletic of Madrid, where Diego Pablo Simeone expects reinforcements, Chelsea, and one of the teams in which it played his father, being one of his big figures and leaders in the field: the Juventus.

The Barça, descartado

Although Lilian Thuram also went through the FC Barcelona and in his moment recognised that it would be a dream see to his son dress the Barcelona T-shirt, this option luce increasingly complicated. Previously, it had been Chelsea the one who was very near to do with his services during the past wintry market, but the operation finally would not concretise .

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