Bryan Zaragoza gol


Bayern sign Bryan Zaragoza, Barça's 'nightmare'

Published:6/12/2023 - 16:47h

Updated:6/12/2023 - 16:47h

The FC Barcelona finally will not be able to move index card by Bryan Saragossa after the big split that the forward did in front of the team of Xavi. The Bayern of Munich, sorpresivamente, has finished advancing

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In a moment in which the clubs of Europe continue defining how encararán the next market of winter, the Bayern of Munich and the Granada have done official the signing of Bryan Saragossa of face to the following season. The operation finally has been announced by both clubs after some negotiations that began the past week, closing the agreement in 15 million euros, one million more than the clause of the footballer.

The Bayern has understood that pay 15 millions by this footballer of enormous projection and once international absolute by Spain is one very good opportunity that other Spanish teams, case of the FC Barcelona, the most interested of all, although no to the same level of the Bayern, or the own Real Madrid, have not wanted or been able to complete. The communiqué equally aims that Bryan Saragossa will play yielded to the end of the current season in the Granada, condition of the own forward to try save to the Andalusian group of the descent.

Saragossa has exploded this season after being important part in the promotion to First of the past season of the Granada. Up to now it adds 14 parties and has annotated five goals, in addition to delivering two assistances. But his more excellent point has been definitely the can be already international with Spain in the duel of classification for the Eurocopa of Germany 2024 contested in Seville in front of Scotland (2-0) the past 12 October.

A month of October that has finished being determinant for Bryan Saragossa

This announcement, in which even lució the dorsal 10, arrived just after his a doublet in the tie to two against the FC Barcelona. In that party the attacker showed all his speed and even left in evidence many times to the defence of the Catalan team, especially to Jules Koundé in one of the so many that marked. Thus it finished receiving the prize to the best player Sub-23 of the month in the League.

In his communiqué, the Bayern describes to Saragossa like a player that in addition to his traditional position in the left band, also can be important in the centre of the attack and in the mediapunta. The player of 22 years stands out especially by his change of rhythm, backing it with with 40 dribblings hit, being the best player of LaLiga in this category.

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