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Cesc Fàbregas does not rule out coaching FC Barcelona

Published:7/02/2024 - 11:07h

Updated:8/02/2024 - 02:32h

Fàbregas' path took him away from Barcelona on one occasion, but he eventually ended up returning to succeed at Barça, a situation that he himself believes could be repeated

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Cesc Fàbregas announced his retreat like professional footballer the past summer. The Catalan, that was part of the best FC Barcelona of the history in spite of having left the Barcelona entity before his debut in the first team, began immediately his adventure in the benches, assuming the charge in the As of the second division of Italy (third in the classification), club in which precisely it hanged the boots in 2023, although the past 24 December had to separate temporarily of his role to culminate his course of trainer in England.

The excentrocampista decided to give his first steps like míster in a level something moved away of the elite, but no thus it forgets to be able to land sometime in a project like the one of the own Barça, where returned in 2011 to triumph of the hand of Pep Guardiola and Tito Vilanova. Now, in an interview with 'Catalonia Irradiate', the exjugador Barcelona received the query on if it would want to train the Barça.

Fàbregas Could return by second occasion to the Barça

Very to his style, Fàbregas has not closed the door and although yes that it has proposed like candidate to occupy the Barcelona bench in a future, is not something that see like imminent. "I can not know if I will finish being trainer of the Barça or no, but before have to grow and give steps forward", highlighted. Cesc also has showed surprised by the pressure that has seen that has lived Xavi in this charge, something that other míster like Guardiola have left clear that understand to perfection.

"It has to be insoportable if it has been able to finish with somebody like him", signalled. Of equal way has wanted to leave his assessment on a trainer of the Italian football that is sounding to occupy the Barcelona bench, the also exculé Thiago Motta. "To me it likes me a lot of how play his teams. In the field futbolístico is showing a lot. His Boloña does things that the Barça does not accustom to do, but sure that it could adapt, because Motta has sucked a lot Barça", explained.

An eliminatory in which the Barça goes back to be favourite in Europe

In another line of thought, Fàbregas also has 'wetted' on the eliminatory of the eighth of final of the Champions League, where the Barça will confront to the Naples. "I think that the Barça is slightly upper. The Naples can do a very good party, but does not have the consistency to chain it with another. Have good players, this is clear, but, for me, the Barça is the favourite", resolved the Catalan.

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