Lautaro Martínez, forward of the Inter


Decided! Lautaro Martínez has no doubts about his future

Published:24/02/2022 - 19:37h

Updated:24/02/2022 - 19:37h

In the last days, Lautaro Martínez had reappeared as an alternative for FC Barcelona in the face of the summer transfer market. Now, his environment has spoken about it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To finals of the past week destapó the possibility that Lautaro Martínez abandoned the Inter of Milan. The 'Gazzetta dello Sport' had stood out that the Inter had him place to the argetino the poster of "transferible" of face to the month of July by his worrisome capacity goleadora in this season and because, in summary, is not the offensive leader that needs the group 'nerazzurri'.

In 33 parties contested in this season, Lautaro only has marked 12 goals: eleven in the Series To and one in the Supercoppa of Italy. In the Champions League still has not premièred and would have begun to 'fastidiar' to Simone Inzaghi, trainer of the Italian group. Nevertheless, from the surroundings of the player of 24 years have denied any movement of face to the summer.

In statements to 'Fcinter1908', Alejandro Camano, representative of Martínez, has ensured that the Argentinian attacker does not have intentions to move of Milan and that, on the contrary of what has come informing, is very happy inside the group trained by Inzaghi: "there are not problems. Lautaro does not go to go because it is very happy in the Inter, is not concerned by his current situation".

Like this then , for the moment descarta any possible movement of the Argentinian in the next months and foresees that his intention is, in question, fulfil his agreement, which extends until 30 June 2026 and was renewed recently. If that is his wish, is forced to improve his registers goleadores, because for the moment that is the factor that does to doubt to the Inter.

The footballer of 24 years does not have 'wetted' in any competition from the past 12 January, when it annotated against the Juventus, in the Supercoppa of Italy. In the Series To the history begins to be of terror and has called the attention of all the 'nerazzurri', place Lautaro Martínez does not see goal from 17 December, in the goleada of the Inter against Salernitana (0-5). Since, it has contested six parties (462 minutes) in which it does not have 'wetted' neither assisted for the 'nerazzurri'.

The Barça remains without the option of Lautaro

To the thread of the informations in the last days on a possible exit of Lautaro of Giuseppe Meazza, andl FC Barcelona had gone back to go in in scene like a second option to reinforce the leading culé in case that the Barcelona do not achieve to go in in the 'bidding' by Erling Haaland in this summer. From the Camp Nou do not want to give by defeated with the Norwegian, but know that it is an extremely complicated operation, reason by which saw to Lautaro like a good option for the attack.

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