Franck Kessie partido


Kessié's environment pronounces on his possible departure to Inter Milan

Published:24/03/2023 - 09:18h

Updated:24/03/2023 - 11:27h

Franck Kessié's representation agency has stepped up on its social networks to clarify the player's situation after information placed him back in Calcio

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From the past market of winter that the future of Franck Kessié in the FC Barcelona has been put in cloth of trial by the Italian press. Several informations ensured that the Barcelona group was working with the Inter of Milan in a barter by Marcelo Brozovic, a movement that never concretised and that afterwards was denied by his surroundings.

Now, the representative of the midfield player marfileño, George Atangana, has had to go out to the step again through the social networks of his agency of representation, 'Ambition Group Sport Management', to deny the information published by the newspaper 'Il Ran dello Sport' that situates to the footballer culé out of the club when finishing the season.

Kessié Will remain in Barcelona

The agency left on the table a conclusive communiqué that affirms that all the parts are in tuning of face to the summer. "Although the agent has denied a possible traspaso of Kessié, in spite of that the direction of the Barça also has denied it and, between other things, affirming his importance in the team, in spite of that the own Kessié has published recently an interview where says his win to play in Barcelona during long, some false and ridiculous news begin to bother", began the note in 'Instagram'.

On the same line, it remained clear that the probabilities of his exit would be invalid. "So we want to be very clear in this regard. The possibility that Kessié go of the Barcelona in the next market of signings is the same that expect that a serpent can have legs suddenly in summer", sentenced the company.

It is important for Xavi

Finally, the communiqué remembered the good feelings that has left the African in his first year in the Spotify Camp Nou. "It is the world the other way around! Kessié Plays, plays wonderfully well, marks goals, goes in in the Barcelona history signing the goal number 3000 of the club and somebody encourages to spread an information delirante. To our dear diffuser of false information 'Il Ran dello Sport', have decided desconfiar of you", concluded the note.

Nowadays Kessié is one of the footballers that better results to die to Xavi Hernández and is a key piece in his sportive project. It has been decisive in the two last Classical and expects to continue in Barcelona no only to the end of his agreement in 2026, but also by a lot of years more. To his 26 years has a lot of route by in front and each day strengthens more inside the group and to the philosophy blaugrana.