Eric García en el Barça


Eric García, determined to stay at Barça despite the difficulties

Published:30/07/2023 - 19:32h

Updated:30/07/2023 - 19:32h

Eric García, despite the rumors that he is out of Barça, has decided to take a step forward and join the club. He wants to stay and fight for a place in the squad, even if the conditions are not favorable for him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Eric García jumped yesterday to the terrain of game of the AT&T Stadium after the withdrawal of the caution of Andreas Christensen and no deslució in the more than 60 minutes that contested in Dallas. The Catalan, that formed a pair of head offices with Jules Koundé, had a decent performance in front of the Real Madrid and attained to keep the goal to zero in front of one of the teams with offensive potential elder of all Europe. This meeting could have been a 'balsam' for a footballer whose future is wrapped in a dense climate of rumours on his possible course of the City Condal.

The ex of the Manchester City does not surrender and, against all prognosis, has decided to remain in the FC Barcelona and compete by a place in the staff of Xavi. In this regard, it has affirmed: "I will follow struggling by a place this season, do not contemplate an exit". The one of Martorell is one of the pieces that more has sounded to go out of the Barça, since it plays in a demarcation with an excess of players and he finishes being the fifth option. If to this adds him that it is being sondeado by the Olympique Marseilles and other teams, do it see like a highly likely piece that leave to the Catalan square.

Xavi no desestima the role of Eric García in the Barça

In regard to this, Eric would be 'envalentonado', since as it informs 'Sportive World', the technician of Terrassa has communicated him to the defender that, in spite of the competition in his position, will have opportunities of game in this campaign. Tied to this, the central defender has mentioned: "The míster shows me his confidence and I try to take advantage of any opportunity, as today. Already it was playing all the party or only ten minutes, try to take advantage of it to the maximum".

The key in this sense could be the polivalencia that has showed the player. Although there are a lot of footballers that can cover the saga culé (Araújo, Koundé, Christensen and Iñigo Martínez), in the zone of pivote only is Oriol Romeu and, although there are other Barcelona values that can exert this position, the egarense would be giving him the opportunity to Eric to exert like acting in this plot of the field. In the past, Xavi has expressed his wish to give him more time like pivote and turn it into a player of this position, since it sees that has the necessary conditions, but only is missing him shooting. The time will be the one who define the future of Eric García. For now, figure in the staff for the season 2023/2024, but in a market of signings so volatile, does not know what will offer the destination of the players in the City Condal.

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