Although the majority of the rumours have arrived with regard to the incorporations, the FC Barcelona has not escaped of the speculations on the escape of any of his important men. In the last weeks has stood out the incógnita that supposes the future of Samuel Umtiti, with a very affordable clause and some offers of the big of the European football. In the dispatches of the Camp Nou already have begun to move .

The insistence of the Manchester City in crediting a clause that rises to 60 million euros has been the detonante definite so that they begin the contacts. It has been of informal way, but as it affirms 'Sportive World', to the Frenchman has called him Robert Fernández to express him his confidence and comment him that after Gerard Hammered and Sergi Roberto will arrive his turn.

The idea of the Barça is to propose him an extension of his current agreement, that expires in 2021, with a rise so much of his wage as of the price of exit, adapting the conditions to a performance that situates him like one of the best head offices of the world. His adaptation no only has surpassed the perspectives, but it has turned him into one of the referents of the changing room.

Umtiti, to his time, has appreciated the Barcelona interest, but has answered the same that stood out in the last times. It is calm and accommodated in the City Condal and does not have intentions to move , by what does not want to go in in negotiations until thesummer , it will be necessary to see if before or after the dispute of the World-wide. The two parts are biased, so it would not have to be complicated.

Question of priorities

Between the priorities of Samuel Umtiti in these moments is to go back to the team after a muscular injury that has had him of drop near of two months. His feelings have been very positive in the last days, in which encara already the straight final of his recovery. Given the good performance of the rest of defenders, there is not haste for his comeback, although already it has glided that it could produce very soon.