Juan Foyth en el duelo ante el FC Barcelona


Foyth showed why he has always been Xavi's favorite for the side

Published:28/08/2023 - 03:09h

Updated:28/08/2023 - 03:09h

Juan Foyth was one of the outstanding players in the confrontation between Villarreal CF and FC Barcelona. Despite his team's defeat, the Argentine showed his qualities and confirmed why Xavi was interested in signing him for the Barça team this season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the City Condal, the name of Joãor Cancel is the only elected to reinforce the Barcelona right side. However, before it opened the opportunity to incorporate to the carrilero Portuguese, the Barça had in consideration to several names. One of these names was the one of Juan Foyth, right side of the Villarreal CF, the one who in his moment liked a lot to Xavi by his versatility, since it can exert like head office and defender by the band. Besides, it stands out by his physical fortress, his aerial game, his capacity of anticipation and, the most important, his skill to take out the balloon from the defence. The ex of the Tottenham showed all these skills in the clash between the FC Barcelona and the 'Yellow Submarine'.

Today, in spite of the result of the party, the Argentinian has showed why the technician of Terrassa considered it in his moment like one of the ideal names to reinforce the right side of the team culé. The ex of Students had a big meeting. Further of the converted target, that was a sample of one of his greater fortresses, the aerial game, since it elevated above two defenders and cabeceó the balloon leaving without options to the goalkeeper Ter Stegen.

The performance of Juan Foyth against the FC Barcelona

In the duel of today, Juan Foyth played the 90 minutes. It finished with a yellow card, but was quite hit in the careos that confronted, winning seven of the 13 terrestrial clashes and showing impenetrable in by aerial road, since it won three of the four clashes in which it measured by this area, showing once again his fortress in the high balloons. Besides, it showed good reflections when intercepting a pass and made five effective entrances.

Although, as all defender reconverted in side, his strong point is the solid defence, the Argentinian also stood out in the offensive appearance. It received the spherical in 77 occasions and had a percentage of passes of 85% (39/46). Equally, it made a shot to door, a successful dribbling and also won a fault in one of his incursions in the field of the Barça. Nevertheless, it did not succeed in the execution of the centres to the area, since any of the two attempts that executed arrived to destination.

The Barça did not attain to put in accordance with the Villarreal by the Argentinian

In his moment, the Barcelona cast tried fichar to the Argentinian, but the Villarreal CF showed inflexible regarding his exit. The 'Groguets' only were had to leave to go out to the player if it paid his clause of rescission, that rondaba the 60 million euros, something to what the FC Barcelona was not had to access and, although it was it, there was little margin to fit it in the 'fair play' financial. Aunado To this, the 'Yellow Submarine' neither accepted the inclusion of some footballer that could abaratar the operation, what complicated even more the negotiations and avoided that it arrived to an agreement.

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