In Turín carried  his fright with the accident of traffic suffered by Arthur Melo


Arthur's free fall looks set to take him to London

Published:13/01/2022 - 18:22h

Updated:13/01/2022 - 18:28h

A new suitor has come out to 'conquer' Arthur Melo. Juventus of Turin does not take the player into account, so from Italy they could be considering his departure in this same winter market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Arthur Melo in Italy seems uncertain. The ex Barcelona has not attained to be a fixed in the diagram of game of the trainers that has had since it abandoned the City Condal. Now, it seems that it could be handling his exit inside the arks of the 'Vecchia Signora' for this same market of winter.

Like this it has affirmed it the English press, those who affirm that the Arsenal will be the possible destination of the midfield player 'bianconeri'. The 'gunners' find to two points of places of Champions, and want to follow competing in the Premier, by what would be observing his cession like a true option. Besides, as it affirms the newspaper 'ACE', the conversations between both clubs have intensified and the operation would be very near to concretise .

The arrival of the Brazilian to England would be a request of Mikel Arteta, the one who handles the bench of the group londinense and thinks that the qualities of Arthur fit to perfection with his diagram of game. The means also have added that the loan would not include the option of purchase, and that the footballer would not see badly land in the Emirates Stadium because of his present in Turín.

The '5' arrived to the Barcelona in summer of 2018, by a cost of 31 million euros after a winning campaign with the Guild of Brazil. In his first year like culé, knew to adapt to the style of game of the team of partial form, until two years later, in 2020, the Barça decided traspasar his index card to the Juve by 76 'kilos'. Nowadays, his value to descended notably, situating in the 25 millions according to 'Transfermarkt'.

A clear aim

From his arrival to the Italian group does a year and half, the born in Goiania has not been able to establish his football and has not been protagonist for Andrea Pirlo neither for Massimiliano Allegri. You grieve sum 467 minutes in this season, and his main aim would be to have continuity to be able to be taken in account by Tite in the World-wide of Catar 2022. In spite of this, the last word will have it the Italian trainer, the one who could also lose to Álvaro Morata in this same window of traspasos.

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