Samuel Umtiti durante un partido del Lecce


Full on the 'bid'! Lecce wants to pay Barça for the signing of Umtiti

Published:20/05/2023 - 15:31h

Updated:20/05/2023 - 15:31h

New information ensures that Lecce would be interested in retaining Samuel Umtiti paying for his transfer as long as they maintain the category in the First Division

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has marked to Samuel Umtiti like one of the exits that will have to resolve when finalising the season. The French has recovered his best level and has contested 22 parties with the elastic of the Lecce, something impensado taking into account his wide record with the injuries. However, it has recovered his best version and nowadays several clubs are had to move index card by him.

The Lecce wants to retain to Umtiti

In fact, the possibility that the Barcelona arks receive a mount near to the four million euros by his sale is opened and from France and Italy are very attentive to his future. In spite of this, the novelty desvelada by the newspaper 'SPORT' stands out that it would be the Lecce the one who will keep in the career to preserve his services of face to the next season.

The transalpinos will do an economic effort for ficharle and assume his wage as long as they keep the category in First Division and the other teams in the bidding withdraw . At present they occupy the sixteenth of the table and so much Inter of Milan like Rome and AC Milan are attentive to his future, what would complicate his stay in Lecce because of the big economic difference.

Like this the things, the 'giallorossi' will try to convince him to continue because they are loved with his professionalism and performance. The surroundings of Umtiti understands that it will not fulfil the three years that subtract him of agreement in Barcelona and that it will have to define his situation in the next days. It will be necessary to see which sucede with a player that has given a big jump and that nowadays can recalar in a team with European aspirations.

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