Eric García en el FC Barcelona


Girona insists on adding an Eric García eager for minutes to their ranks

Published:28/08/2023 - 22:29h

Updated:28/08/2023 - 22:30h

Barça finds itself in an awkward situation with Eric García. Although they value him as an important member of the squad, they are not in a position to offer him the role that the defender demands. Therefore, it is possible that he will leave the club in the coming days, with Girona as his destination

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings veraniego 2023/2024 is coming to an end and the FC Barcelona still has several pending subjects. With the imminent incorporation of Joao Cancel, only remains to resolve the need of an offensive midfield player, that is one of the main applications of Xavi. Nevertheless, no everything is perfect, since to do new incorporations, the Barça has to first resolve the exits of some players. With the situation of Clément Lenglet enquistada, the club is had to value different offers by some players to free space in the mass salarial, and seems that they have found a solution in the saga to play it cool part of this mishap.

As it gave to know the journalist Alex Pintanel, the Girona CF would be interested in incorporating to Eric García yielded and already have established contacts with the combined Barcelona to explore this possibility. The ex of the Manchester City would have given his approval to the operation, since in spite of being in the plans of Xavi Hernández, is not having sufficient minutes of game and would be considering the possibility to join to another club. Even, there are reports that suggest that the defender already has boarded conversations with several players of the team gerundense.

Already in the environment intuía an interest of the Girona by Eric

It does some days already had rumoreado on the interest of the square 'albirroja' in making possible this loan, but still had not formalised the application. Michel, from Montilivi, has elogiado to the defender by his technician and versatility, since in addition to playing like central defence, also can exert like pivote.

In this campaign with the picture culé, Eric García has participated in two of the three duels that the group blaugrana has contested in LaLiga EA Sports. It is curious that, although Xavi has said in innumerable occasions that has he, when had the opportunity to range it like titling against the Cádiz CF, after the injuries of Ronald Araújo and the absence of Iñigo Martínez, preferred to delay to Frenkie Of Jong, something that seems that it has not seated very well to the defender.

Xavi has given him minutes, but no the sufficient

In spite of this, the ex of the Manchester City himself that has had activity in the cast of the of Terrassa, little, but has had it. It has contested a total of 56 minutes. 11' against the gaditanos and 45' against the Villarreal Cf. The one of Martorell has showed a good fitness and has been correct in the minutes that has played, what suggests that, maybe with more continuity and feeling important again, could recover the level that all want to see in him, and this could attain it in the Girona CF, a team that shows attractive to give him the continuity that so much wishes and that in the FC Barcelona has done him so elusive.

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