The Catalan trainer will disembark in the premier league next summer and wants to laporte and to gundogan

Guardiola Can steal him to the Barça two potential signings

Guardiola Can steal him to the Barça two potential signings

Published:30/12/2015 - 13:33h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the newspaper "MD" take for granted the disembarkment of Pep in the Premier League English and would have asked to two footballers that the picture blaugrana carries time following. According to the newspaper the destination of Guardiola will be one of the two Manchester and would have asked to Laporte and Gundogan

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It seems that to the FC Barcelona will go back him to entrometer in his signings one of his ex technicians more wanted. At least this is what publishes this Wednesday the newspaper "MD", when it stands out in his potada digital that Josep Guardiola, that will leave the Bayern of Munich when finalising this campaign 2015-2016, already prepares his disembarkment in the Premier League English. An arrival that could come of the hand of two signings that interest him to the Barça: Aymeric Laporte and Ilkay Gundogan.

According to the quoted half, to Guardiola seduces him the English football and would be between accepting the offer of his friends Txiki Begiristain and Ferran Soriano in the Manchester City or opt by the most romantic option and finish in the bench of Old Trafford directing to the Manchester United. What the newspaper has clear is that well it was for a team or for another, the Catalan technician wants to go back to have the control in the signings.

And it is that although in the Barça was he the one who commanded in the technical office, in the Bayern of Munich is not more than an employee that has to observe the decisions that take from up Rummenige and Mathias Sammer. This is one of the things that seems has eroded more the relation with the Bavarian group and has done that Pep do not renew his agreement

It is thus that a sample of good will of the team that want to have his services will be the one of ficharle to the players that he ask. And these could begin by the central Basque, that likes to the of Santpedor from the times in which it directed to the Barça. Precisely the Barcelona carry time behind his and know of win them that the central youngster has of enfundarse the casaca blaugrana, by what can have fight to have his services. The hándicap for the FC Barcelona resides in the clause of rescission of Laporte, 50 millions, that are of difficult fulfillment unlike the two English teams.

On the other hand, the incorporation of Ilkay Gundogan would come due to the fact that Pep has seen it a lot during these years in the Bundesliga and has remained prendado of him. The Barça could ficharlo in summer but finally some problems threw to the fret the negotiations. Now, arrived the month of June the technical office will work in the intention of fichar a TOP midfield player and east could be the germano. It will be necessary to see, this yes, if other clubs do not increase his price.

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