Joao Cancelo y Joao Félix en un partido con el FC Barcelona


Hansi Flick maintains doubts about Joao Félix's continuity at Barça

Published:26/05/2024 - 17:16h

Updated:26/05/2024 - 17:18h

FC Barcelona will have to decide this summer whether or not to bet on the continuity of João Félix and João Cancelo for next season. Both players are on loan and their renewal will depend on the opinion of Hansi Flick, who apparently is not convinced of this situation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The increasingly likely arrival of Hansi Flick to the bench of the FC Barcelona begins to pose a series of interrogantes regarding the movements that will make the sportive direction of the club in the next market of signings of summer. In this sense, two names that seem to be low greater scrutiny are the ones of Joãor Félix and Joãor Cancel, whose renewal of cession of face to the next season seems increasingly uncertain.

In fact, as it informed in 'SPORT', the native of Heidelberg already has expressed to the club his fault of clarity on the continuity of the Joao's. This would contrast with the wishes of the club, that apparently considers that these players can contribute to the sportive project and be operations economically favourable in time of financial austerity like which crosses the Catalan picture.

The case of Joãor Félix

It is necessary to remember that, in the case of the native of Viseu, his continuity in the team already saw complicated under the direction of Xavi Hernández. In the last days, the leading property of the Athletic of Madrid lost leadership and minutes of game in the alignment title of the technical director egarense, finishing the season like acting, losing his place to hands of Raphinha, the one who turned into the main reference in the left extreme of the combined Barcelonan in spite of not being his natural position.

In this sense, according to the source quoted previously, Hansi Flick, to the equal that Xavi in his moment, has interest in exploring other options for the attack. However, the continuity of the exjugador of the SL Benfica is not entirely descartada, since it will depend on how develop the market of the FC Barcelona. If the club attains fichar to a left extreme of high level, would be less likely that Félix continue, even extending his cession in favourable conditions. Nevertheless, everything will depend on the actions that take the cast culé in terms of incorporations, and can not descartar his permanence like a revulsivo.

The doubts around the continuity of Joãor Cancel

On the other hand, the case of Joãor Cancel is very different, since there are contradictory informations in this regard. While the media 'The' aseveraba with total security that Cancel would be an application expresses of Hansi Flick, the one who would have asked his incorporation of definite form to position it like right side to complete time, 'SPORT' presents a reality that differs of this affirmation.

According to the half Spanish, Flick would have expressed his worry by the defensive problems in the sides and, therefore, would look for the incorporation of a versatile side that can play in both bands and have defensive skills. This last point would complicate the situation of the native of Barreiro, since the Portuguese has showed to be a guarantee in the offensive appearance, but has left a lot that wish in defence, especially in the commitments of first level where needs that the team step advance to carry them advance.

Nevertheless, apparently this possible transfer still is in doubt, since although Joãor Cancel was not the most applied player in defensive tasks, also recognises him like a side of first level because of all the others qualities that can contribute to the team. However, his permanence is clearly conditioned to the flexibility that the Manchester City can offer in the negotiations to go back to yield it and if, when attaining this agreement of cession, the Portuguese accepts to reduce again his expectations salariales.

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