Luis enrique confirms the interest of the fc barcelona in denis suárez

Luis Enrique confirms the interest of the Barça in Denis Suárez

Luis Enrique confirms the interest of the Barça in Denis Suárez

Published:29/12/2015 - 14:34h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Asturian technician of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, confirmed in press conference this Tuesday in the Ciutat Esportiva that the Barça has interest in the signing of Denis Suárez for January, although it did not explain at all in this regard of how are going the negotiations with the Villarreal

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"I have seen it well. In the Seville were missing him minutes and in the Villarreal is doing it very well. It could be an interesting player", went the words of Luis Enrique this Tuesday in press conference after the training of the FC Barcelona in the Ciutat Esportiva. The Asturian technician confirmed of this form that the Barça is following very closely the performances of Denis Suárez and that treats , therefore, of an option to take into account of face to the possibility that be repescado in January of 2016 like new reinforcement of the team for the second stretch of the season 2015-16.

For the moment, the mediapunta Galician has valid agreement with the Villarreal and the FC Barcelona would be negotiating the pass of the footballer to the group culé in return of 3 million euros and can that also 20% of the profits in a future traspaso of the player.

Everything does to think that the negotiations desencallarán in the next hours and that Denis Suárez could convert prompt in a new reinforcement of guarantees for the staff culé, although will have a big competition in the centre of the field and also in the positions of attack.

Denis Suárez will fulfil 22 years this next month of January of 2016 and in the FC Barcelona to Luis Enrique would like him his polivalencia to play so much of inner as of extreme by both bands, in addition to shining in his natural position, that is the one of mediapunta or stick.

In comparison with other alternatives like Nolito, what gives a lot of feasibility to the operation is the price, of only 3 million euros, that would not distort the delicate financial situation that crosses the Barcelona club, with the will to fulfil to raja table the economic aims marked from the beginning of the mandate to follow reducing the debt of the club and continue increasing the profits year after year. And for the moment, the board of Bartomeu is attaining it.

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