Frenkie de Jong en la rueda de prensa previa al duelo entre el FC Barcelona y el Napoli


Meeting for De Jong! Deco spoke to Frenkie's agent to make peace after his 'rape'

Published:23/02/2024 - 16:30h

Updated:24/02/2024 - 02:09h

According to information from the newspaper 'SPORT', Deco has held a meeting with Frenkie de Jong's agent to try to 'calm' things down after the Dutchman's harsh statements about the leaks of his contract and future.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Frenkie Of Jong is one of the proper names in key FC Barcelona in the last weeks. It has been wrapped in an infinity of rumours on his future and the wage that perceives in the club in the actuality. The player, in fact, exploded in press conference aiming that "lately I am me irritating a bit. I am got angry with what writes the press in general, go out a lot of things that are not truth. I can not it understand. They go saying things that are not truth. I do not know how it does not give you shame say it".

It is not the first time that 'load' by all the rumours. It does not be necessary to overlook that the midfield player keeps a taut relation with the managerial board since, in 2022, tried to sell him to the Manchester United by 85 million euros to try 'sanear' the economy of the club. Shortly after it showed that it is one of the 'engines' of the team and, with the arrival of Deco, began the informations on a possible offer of renewal that has not been able to concretise. The sportive director wants to take the reins of the relation and try find a half point.

'Summit' by Of Jong in the Barça

According to an information of the newspaper 'SPORT', Deco has kept this Friday a meeting with Ali Durson, representative of Frenkie, to put all the letters on the table to "calm the spirits", exchange points of view and try 'walk' in the same direction in the middle of the constant rumours that have produced . Since the executive contacted him to present , in summer, have kept a one good "and cordial relation". They expect that it continue of this way.

In the Barça still is very soon to touch the subject of his future. It is very very known that his agreement wins on 30 June 2026 and that to the directors would like them arrive to an agreement to extend his stay, adapting his wage to the 'reality' economic of the club in the actuality. Of Jong is perceiving a much more elevated wage of what habituaba in his first years in the City Condal, like part of the agreement to the that accessed in 2020. In this moment, accepted to differ an important percentage of his income for 'help' in the middle of the crisis by the pandemia and, now, corresponds him earn it.

Of Jong and the Barça, allocated to understand

The rumours that had taken place in the last weeks aimed that, if Of Jong did not access to renew with new conditions salariales, had the open door. He has manifested at all times that his wish is to continue in the club ("am very happy in the Barça, is the club of my dreams and expect to follow a lot of years playing here", said the Tuesday), by what all the efforts will be allocated to find the formula to join his ways by more years.

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