Daichi Kamada   Eintracht Frankfurt


Milan "leaves Kamada lying around" and opens a market opportunity for Barça

Published:22/07/2023 - 19:37h

Updated:22/07/2023 - 19:37h

Daichi Kamada has aroused the interest of FC Barcelona after his incorporation to AC Milan fell through. Now, with the letter of freedom under his arm, he is presented as an attractive option for the club, but his incorporation would be conditioned by a series of factors

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Daichi Kamada Has turned into one of the 'perlas' more apetecibles in the market of signings. After not renewing his bond with the Eintracht of Frankfurt, the international Japanese has been tanteado by several European clubs, being the AC Milan the one who had the much more advanced negotiations. However, apparently the agreement would have broken and the group 'rossoneri' would have decanted for incorporating to Samuel Chukwueze, derrumbando like this this operation and catapulting to the Japanese again to the orbit of varied of the big of Europe, between which stand out the Liverpool, the Benfica, the Borussia Dortmund, the Athletic of Madrid, the Bayern Munich and the FC Barcelona.

The native of Iyo is a 'ace' in the medullary zone, able to exert as much as mediocentro offensive like defensive, in addition to playing like mediapunta. His polifuncionalidad, added to his youth (is 26 years old), to his capacity goleadora and asistidora (16 goals and 6 assistances in 47 parties played in this campaign) and to his tendency to keep fit and at stake (has contested 96% of the meetings of his team in this season), turn it into a player to be followed during this market of passes veraniego.

It will take advantage of the Barça this opportunity of market?

The combined Barcelona has a surplus of players in the medullary zone of the field and seems to have closed his contractings in this area with the incorporation of Oriol Romeu, but a player like Daichi Kamada would not come him at all badly. The club culé could take advantage of the opportunity to incorporate an extremely useful piece to generate competition in the midfield and depth in the team, especially in a full season of competitions and with the need to have a good basic wardrobe.

An appearance that it is necessary to value is all the competition that would have the FC Barcelona on for ficharle, doing lucir very complex his incorporation. Although the player have liked in the past and today present like an opportunity of unforgivable market, the reality is that to tackle the signing of the Asian would do lacking to free a bit more the 'fair play' financial. Aunado To this, it would be necessary to value how much margin there is to add to new players after the registration of the footballers in process of renewal and of the recently incorporated Oriol Romeu, Ilkay Gündogan and Iñigo Martínez. The reality is that the combined Barcelona, although it knows to take advantage of each 'bargain' of the market that puts him in front, in this moment would be more interested in incorporating a leading acting centre for Robert Lewandowski and a right side of greater hierarchy, by what this addition, except a capital surprise, would be totally descartada.

The Athletic of Madrid splits like favourite for fichar to Kamada

The group that more advanced would be in plough to add to his rows to the Japanese would be the Athletic of Madrid, since as it reveals the journalist Nicolo Schira from Italy, Daichi Kamada has gone back to be offered to the 'colchoneros'. Now, the ball is in the field of the ones of the 'Cholo' Simeone, that will have to value if they decide or no fichar to the footballer for the next season. Although, as they inform, for this demarcation the 'rojiblancos' would have in mind the priority to bid by Marco Verratti, Pierre Emile-Hojbjerg or Sofyan Amrabat.

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