Pjanic And Arthur, during a match


New turn of Barça and Juventus in the 'barter' Pjanic-Arthur

Published:23/06/2020 - 18:40h

Updated:23/06/2020 - 18:59h

The FC Barcelona and the Juventus follow negotiating the exchange of footballers that would dress to Arthur of blanquinegro and to Pjanic of Barcelona. There are novelties

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The institutional relation between the FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín is excellent, reason by which the conversations between both clubs are very fluent. In time of economic crisis by the coronavirus,​ both pretend to take out party of this good relation to achieve exchanges of footballers that are profitable for the two institutions, that already planned to give a turn of nut to his staff.

Until the moment, have appeared several names on of the table like possible members of this multiple barter. In the FC Barcelona like a lot Miralem Pjanic, mediocentro of 30 years that fits in the Barcelona style, and Mattia Of Sciglio, lateral that would be considered a good option to give depth to the bench because of his polivalencia, since it can play by both bands.

In the Juventus, instead, have to Arthur Melo between eyebrow and eyebrow. The mediocentro Brazilian, in spite of his irregularity in the physical and in his performance, has a lot potential and a style of game that fits in what it looks for in the 'Vecchia Signora'. Nevertheless, the goiano has decided, by the moment, remain in the Camp Nou, by what the exchange follows being in the air.

In a principle, was tanteando that the two footballers of the Juventus served like payment by the traspaso of Arthur, but seems that there would have been a new twist in the negotiations. According to the informations published from Italy in means like The Reppublica or Calciomercato.it, the FC Barcelona there would be desestimado the arrival of Of Sciglio, by what the only players that would go in in the deal would be Arthur and Pjanic.

The Brazilian, of 23 years, has a lot of projection of future, by what his value of market is upper to the of the bosnio. It is thus that the fact of not including to Of Sciglio in the operation will do that the Juventus have to compensate it in 'cash'. Like this the things, according to the means quoted previously, the Juventus would offer to Pjanic and would pay 10 million euros in return of Arthur.

Why finally it does not interest Of Sciglio?

The FC Barcelona poses the sale of Nélson Semedo or Sergi Roberto, but only would go one of the two. In this case, to the Barça liked him Of Sciglio to exert of acting, but the things have changed. It seems that finally, the Barça would bet by Moussa Wagué, yielded to the Nice, to exert this secondary role, because of the difficulties that there would be to sell to the African.

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