Dani Olmo en un partido con España


Operation underway! Barça would already be negotiating the signing of Dani Olmo

Published:19/04/2024 - 23:04h

Updated:20/04/2024 - 03:18h

FC Barcelona would be in talks with Dani Olmo's entourage regarding a possible move this summer. The big problem is the exit clause that he has at RB Leipzig

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Dani Elm has been one of the most commented names in this week in key FC Barcelona. This Wednesday trascended that Deco, Barcelona sportive director, had kept a meeting with the agents and father of the international with Spain; a player that, after his 'explosion' in the RB Leipzig, has been in the diary of the club practically every year, but has been a traspao impossible by the economic factor. They have not been in conditions to fulfil with the requirements of the Teutonics.

The meeting of Deco, in any case, did not have too visited because it informed that Mika Faye had been the only name that habia treated in the meeting with the representatives. The Barça is analysing his future and the possibility that it remain in the first team for the next season or, by the contrary, find him a road of exit this summer with a sale with option of repurchase in the future near. The stages Are evaluating , by the moment.

Dani Elm goes back to scene in the Barça

However, although it is a subject that yes concerns to the Catalans, would not have been the only treaty in the meeting of the Wednesday with Juanma López, Andy Bara and Miquel Elm. 'Sportive world' has explained that yes there are conversations by the traspaso of Dani Elm in to window of transfers estival. It was the first taking of contact of Deco with the representatives and his father, with feelings that would have been very positive for the interests of the Barça.

In this sense, this year the Barcelona yes would have on the table the incorporation of the player of 25 years and would have transmitted to his surroundings that is a clear aim that they want to tackle the sooner possible, even before the dispute of the Eurocopa in which, surely, will be summoned by Spain. The culés would want to avoid a possible revaluation of the player of Terrassa with his performances in the tournament, conscious that the RB Leipzig will want to take out a good 'cut' of his possible sale.

The economic factor, enemy of the Barça in each operation

It does not be necessary to overlook that, with the renewal that signed Dani Elm during the past year, until 30 June 2027, the picture of 'The Bulls' included a clause of exit that round the 60 million euros; a figure that, obviously, to day of today the Catalans can not allow. The RB Leipzig has left clear that will not recess neither a euro, but in the Barça would be trusting that, by the good relation of the surroundings of Elm with the club, can do a 'exception' if the player asks to go out.

In this same line, as 'MD', the footballer would have like priority his return to the City Condal, of where went out in 2015 with direction to the Dinamo Zagreb in research opportunities. His intention would be to go back to 'house' and be one of the leaders of the project in the next season, are or no Xavi Hernández like leader of the Barcelona bench. Lto operation is complicated, because supnodría a big investment, but would be had to exhaust all the options.

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