Oriol Romeu en un entrenamiento del FC Barcelona


Oriol Romeu asked to leave Barça at the last minute

Published:1/02/2024 - 18:54h

Updated:1/02/2024 - 19:02h

According to recent information from Gerard Romero in 'Jijantes', Oriol Romeu tested his departure from FC Barcelona in the last few hours. The culés have opposed this possibility

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has lived an austere market of wintry signings, without surprises, novelties neither movements further of the arrival of Vitor Roque, that was pactada from the past summer. The club has kept attentive to the negotiations by Lucas Bergvall, but further of this have opted for remaining 'calm' in front of the economic difficulties and of Fair Playfinancial . There was not how face any operation, in spite of the numerous rumours.

In the section of exits, the dynamics has been almost identical: it could not think in the goodbye of a player because there was not form to substitute him and had to take in account that already the staff is very short. With the drops of Alejandro Balde and Gavi, more. The true is that the Barça did not pose , in any moment, the exit of any of his players, but Oriol Romeu would have touched the door of the club to analyse the possibility to go out.

Twist of guion in the posture of Romeu

To date, all the informations suggested that the midfield player of 32 years was not by the work to do his cases. In spite of it is not having all the opportunities that expected and that lost his role like indisputable in the plans of Xavi Hernández, the player habíá showed a very firm posture: it Wanted to litigate by a place and be important, but his posture changed drastically in these last days of the month of January.

As it informed the journalist Gerard Romero, in 'Jijantes', Romeu communicated to the Barça that it wanted to leave to the Girona to contest the second stretch of the season 2023/2024, probably with the intention to recover the competitive rhythm and go back to be important in a team in which it already showed his best state of form in the past campaign. From the City Condal have denied of way rotunda: it does not be on sale, at least for now.

The Barça closed the door to a moviento

And it is that the Barça was not by the work to sell to any of his players, much less in the last day of the market of wintry signings and without time to look for a relief. They have closed the door to said opportunity, as they left him know to the footballer before leaving of the Ciutat Esportiva the Wednesday. In the middle of the crisis of injuries, can not allow another loss with half season with two titles at stake.

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