Youssoufa Moukoko celebrates after scoring v Stuttgart


Pros and cons of the possible signing of Moukoko by Barça

Published:27/12/2022 - 09:13h

Updated:27/12/2022 - 13:32h

Youssoufa Moukoko would have rejected Borussia Dortmund's renewal proposal and Barça dreams of signing him. However, there are several benefits and also doubts about its incorporation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Youssoufa Moukoko, one of the young promises of the Borussia Dortmund, would have refused the proposal of renewal that did him the club and would be had to change of airs during the market of summer. To his 18 years, is one of the footballers that will remain free of agreement in June and the FC Barcelona would be interested in doing with his services like a piece of present and future.

However, although the German forward has left very good feelings in the Bundesliga, also is necessary to stand out the points for and against that would have an incorporation of east calibrate in the staff of Xavi Hernández. To the egarense like him the players consolidated but also understands that it is important the dynamics between youth and experience inside a plantel successful.


One of the most important reasons for the Barça is that Moukoko would arrive free like free agent, by what would not have to disburse any figure by his traspaso. For anybody is a secret that the Barcelona economic situation is not the best because of the Fair Play financial of LaLiga and would be this type of movements those that more would fit with the planning of the dispatches.

Besides, his landing in the Spotify Camp Nou to cost zero guarantees almost in his whole that was not a bad investment, added to that his youth gives him a wide margin of improvement to adapt to the style of game of the team. His potential is very high and would outline like the '9' of the future, taking into account that Robert Lewandowski possesses a valid agreement until 2026 and that will fulfil 35 years at the end of the campaign.


On the other hand they are the doubts that can create his arrival in the sportive direction. Several media and sources linked with the Dortmund sustain that the character of Moukoko is not the most adapted in some situations. Although only it has 18 years, the true is that it can be conflictive with his mates in different appearances, something that Mateu Alemany and the technical body culé would have very in account.

Another negative is the wage that pretends to earn in his new destination. The German newspaper 'Bild' desveló does some months that the goleador pretends ingresar a wage that oscillate the seven million net euros by season, a mount totally out of the market for a footballer that still is in training. Besides, in this quantity would not be included the commissions for his agent neither neither his premium of signing, something that could complicate his incorporation. It will be necessary to see how finish all and if Joan Laporta and company move index card to convince him to dress the elastic Catalan in the 2023/24.

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