Sergio Bouquets, player of the PSG


The first error of Bouquets after his signing with the PSG

Published:8/07/2021 - 18:25h

Updated:8/07/2021 - 18:25h

Sergio Bouquets moved by the French capital when it observed the Stade of France and thought that treated of the Park of the princes. Nevertheless, one of his companions did him the aclaratoria and remembered that it already had played in this stadium with the Spanish selection

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergio Bouquets already has done official his contracting with Paris Saint-Germain, a bond that will be supported by the French team until 2023, after not being able to renew with the Real Madrid, all time that the offer presented by Florentino Pérez had date of caducity and the defender indicated that it did not know it.

After having landed in the French capital, the Andalusian visited Paris and from the window of the car could observe a stadium in the horizon. In principle, it thought that it treated of the Park of the Princes, that now will be his new house. Nevertheless, it treated of a distinct sportive enclosure.

The stadium in question was the Stade of France, that usually houses the parties that the French selection dispute like venue and that has been headquarters of the Eurocopa and of the Glass of the World, that in the edition of 1998 had to Them Bleus like hosts and eventual champions.

One of the companions in the car that moved to the ex captain of the Real Madrid cleared him that it treated of the Stade of France, what did him remember that it already had played in this stadium in a friendly defending the colours of the Spanish selection, to the time that shows a photography of the meeting in his mobile, where celebrates beside David Villa.

The first words of Bouquets in French

Later, while it sustained a telephone conversation, could listen to the camero pronounce some words in the tongue of Molière, "Allez, Paris", with which will have to familiarise very well from now on to understand with his mates in the team that directs Mauritius Pochettino.

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