Eric García en el FC Barcelona


The reason that 'cools' the transfer of Eric García to Girona

Published:1/09/2023 - 14:49h

Updated:1/09/2023 - 14:49h

Eric García has kept his future in watch and at Barça they do not look with bad eyes on his departure. However, his landing at one of the teams that has been most interested is cooling off due to economic issues

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For anybody is a secret that Eric García will not have too many minutes this season 2023/24. The canterano is the fifth head office of the staff and his participation will be even more limited that in the previous campaigns, what has opened the possibility that it leave to a club that allow him go back to feel protagonist.

The Girona can not do charge of his index card

From the Series To have interested in his services and also from LaLiga, being the Girona the one who more has bid to close his landing. The parameters that evaluate the rojiblancos would be a simple cession without option of purchase, although what would be cooling the movement would be the economic terms in his agreement.

And it is that as it explains the journalist Gerard Romero, the gerundenses only could do charge of 30% of his index card, a very low figure taking into account that his course only would be to generate Fair Play and finish to close the registrations and pending signings. The operation is agrounded and everything to tip to that it will not resolve this last day of market.

Eric wants to be leading

Xavi Hernández values him a lot by his maturity and professionalism in each training, but the own footballer wants to participate more in the alignments. Except similar radical twist to the of 'Ez' Abde with the Betis, Eric will continue in the discipline of the Barça and will look for to have opportunities in the rotations.

To his 22 years, still has a big future by in front and in Barcelona no descartan put him again in the shop window during the wintry market. Any sale would leave net income inside the arks, since it arrived free from the Manchester City in summer of 2021. His current value of market oscillates the 10 million euros and an exit in condition of yielded will allow him revalorizarse as long as have minutes of game.

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