Raphaël Guerreiro with Borussia Dortmund


The 'salvation' for Barça's left back could be at Dortmund

Published:14/05/2022 - 12:18h

Updated:14/05/2022 - 12:18h

As the media have revealed, Raphaël Guerreiro would have been offered to Barcelona. The Portuguese is presented as a relief alternative for Jordi Alba on the left side

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona continues in the research of defensive solutions of face to the next season. Xavi Hernández recognises the lacks of the team, the cuales will remain in evidence in front of the Getafe, where the egarense will not be able to have Eric García, Gerard Hammered and Jordi Alba, three of his footballers titled. Precisely the position of this last is the one who more support needs, since the left lane does not have a relief of guarantees inside the plantel.

For the moment, there are several names underlined in the list of the sportive direction, and one of them is the one of Marcos Alonso. The Spanish is to a year to finish his agreement with Chelsea and could abandon Stamford Bridge in the market estival. However, a new information desvelada by 'Sportive World' has planted again in the 'radar' Barcelona to a 'old known'.

As it aims the half, Raphaél Guerreiro, side of the Borussia Dortmund, would have been offered to the Barcelona this same week. The Portuguese also has an agreement until 2023, but his pretences go through not expanding this bow and face a new challenge far of Germany. The player thinks that his qualities adapt to the style of game culé, in addition to recognising that the club needs with urgency a spare for Alba.

In spite of that the germanos would prefer to remain with the services of the luso, the true is that they are known like an entity seller. With the income received by the traspaso of Erling Halaand, the cúpula Teutonic is organising a 'advanced' in the window of signings, by what would not see with 'bad eyes' take out 'cut' again by a piece that wishes to abandon the Signal Iduna Park. With a value of market priced in 35 million euros, could go out of him by much less and like this avoid that it leave free the year entrante.

It was in the 'orbit' during the 2016

This new bond between Guerreiro and the Barça would not split of the club blaugrana, as yes it occurred in 2016. In that then exerted like side in the Lorient French and aimed to be the perfect substitute for Adriano Correia. Nevertheless, the same player declined the offer. "It was very difficult to say him 'no' to the Barça, but bent me by the offer of the Borussia, that gave me the minutes to grow that it needed", affirmed.

In what it goes of campaign, accumulates 2.076 minutes delivered in 27 commitments, where has seen door in five opportunities and has given six passes ofgoal . Although this new ofrecimiento does not ensure his incorporation, is a variant to take into account, more still with the complicated economic situation that lives the club, where the disposal to want to recalar in the Camp Nou is it everything.

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