Mesut Özil, during a party with the Arsenal this season

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SURPRISE: Özil confesses that no fichó by the Barça by Guardiola

Published:2/03/2017 - 18:22h

Updated:3/03/2017 - 16:00h

The half of the Arsenal Mesut Özil confessed recently in his autobiography that his intention after the World-wide of South Africa 2010 was the one of fichar by the FC Barcelona. However, the little interest of Guardiola in him did him decant by the Madrid

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As it has desvelado this Thursday the German newspaper "Bild",  Mesut Özil no fichó by the FC Barcelona in 2010 by Pep Guardiola. This confesses the own player in his autobiography titled "The magic of the game. And what need so that your dreams do reality".

In this text Özil explains his reasons to finish refusing to the Barcelona group and sign by the Real Madrid. He same sustains that his main option was the Barça but the destination did not want it like this.

"After the World-wide-2010 wanted to me Real Madrid, Barcelona, Arsenal, Bayern and Manchester United", says the player that confesses something that, perhaps, can go back to put it in the orbit culé. "My favourite team was the Barça: any another conjoint played a so beautiful football like them", confesses.

Pep Guardiola did not head to he in the conversations

And as it could check, the interest of the club also was reciprocal, by what travelled to the city Condal to negotiate his pass. However, the decision of Pep Guardiola of not to meddle in the conversations "did me suspect", warns. In fact, the own Özil explains that whenever it asked him to his agent by the one of Santpedor this said him that "it is on holiday".

"Mourinho was very convincente. Affable. And insistent. The contrary that the trainer of the Barcelona"

And since the Catalan did not direct never to him to know if really it wanted it in the team, finish decanting by the "heavy "" José Mourinho. "It thought that ficharía by the Barcelona. But he did not do me know neither signposted that it wanted to me. So my enthusiasm was diminishing", clears.

"Mourinho was very convincente. Affable. And insistent. It was all the contrary that the trainer of the Barcelona. So I decided me by José Mourinho and the Real Madrid", concluded.

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