Forwards that are in the agenda of the FC Barcelona


POLL: With Haaland between City and Madrid, which '9' should Barça sign?

Published:24/04/2022 - 20:30h

Updated:24/04/2022 - 23:07h

FC Barcelona will seek to sign a top level '9' during the summer. Given the difficulty of undertaking the operation for Erling Haaland, the Barça team already has several names on its 'agenda'

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The FC Barcelona is in research of a figure of first level that ensure the jump of quality that needs to give the staff and lead the sportive project of Xavi Hernández. The Barcelona have lived a year of 'reconstruction' because of the financial situation of the club, but in summer will throw the 'rest' to do with the services of some of the most contrasted names of the world of the football. Said reinforcement would arrive for the zone of attack of the team, and in the entity work incesantemente to close the arrival of a footballer.

The favourite of the Catalan directive and of the world culé is Erling Haaland. The Norwegian forward is the maximum figure of the Dortmund and one of the stars of the sport. To his 21 years the player already is object of wish of the biggest clubs of the world, that justify his interest in the grandísima quality of the footballer and in the projection to which this aims. The '9' already has taken the decision to go out of the group 'borusser' and many of his beaux already have approached to his surroundings.

One of them was the Barça, but the operation by the attacker would represent an enormous investment for the club, that in these moments can not allow do 'madnesses' financial. By this reason, the blaugranas have gone down of a 'career' that now lead the Manchester City and the Real Madrid, with the 'citizens' taking the forward in the last days, as diverse informations. Now, from Can Barça are 'combing' the market of forwards, and in 'FCBN' ask us which is the '9' that they would have to fichar the culés:

THE POLL With Haaland between Manchester and Madrid, to what '9' would have to fichar the Barça?

With the 'look' in Munich

After the difficulty of the signing of Haaland, from the loges of the Camp Nou have put all his efforts in Robert Lewandowski. The Pole culminates his bond with the Bayern in the 2023, and the negotiations for the extension of his agreement are 'aground' to such point that the informations aseveran that the footballer has decided to abandon Germany. In this stage has gone in the Catalan entity, that sees in the forward a big opportunity to reinforce the attack of the team with a 'star' contrasted. However, his operation neither antoja at all simple, since in Munich do not have intensión to leave it go out.

Alternative youngsters

In case of not being able to concretise the arrival of the '9' of the muniquenses, the Barcelona would see forced to look for alternatives to the captain of Poland. Darwin Núñez is 'going out' with the Benfica this campaign and already has woken up the interest of big clubs, included the Bayern in case it goes out Lewandowski. His incorporation would not be cheap, since from the Estádio gives Light no pedrían less than 70 millions to access on sale of the player, so in Barcelona think it to him.

Lautaro Martínez is an old known in CanBarça , that have trying his contracting in diverse opportunities. In spite of that the player is happy in the Inter and does not seem to have intensiones to abandon the rows of the directed by Inzaghi, would not see with bad eyes join to the culés. By his part, Alexander Isak is one of the figures of the Real Sociedad and of the selection of Sweden, and his youth and experience in LaLiga turn it into one of the candidates to be the main reference of the attack blaugrana. The time will dictate sentence, but the true is that the City Condal expect to his new 'player franchise'.

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