
The agent of Laporte called to the Barça after the controversy

The agent of Laporte called to the Barça after the controversy

Published:10/02/2016 - 13:57h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

After one badly interpretation in his words by part of "Telefoot", and after matizar his statements the past Tuesday, has been the agent of the central of the Athletic Club Aymeric Laporte the one who called to Robert Fernández to transmit him that there is not any problem with the Barça

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Big stir the one who raised the statements of the central of the Athletic Club of Bilbao Aymeric Laporte for the half "Telefoot". In this, the player rojiblanco affirmed, purportedly, that if it arrived him an offer of the FC Barcelona would refuse it to be still in the Basque group. However, hors after it made public the interview, the same player went out to the step of all affirming that it had treated of an error by part of the half.

?The only that say is that to pronounce in front of an offer, first has to exist and later, be analysed. And in my case, gives the circumstance that it has to present through my club, in the headquarters of Ibaigane?, it explained the defender of Lezama for the daily "ACE".

And after all this, and with the intention to reinforce the message of the defence, his agent called to the technical secretary of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández. Like this the wanted to transmit the idea that the footballer would not deny to accept an offer of the FC Barcelona arrived the case, leaving clear that does not exist any problem with the Barcelona entity by part of his represented.

The name of Laporte has sounded with a lot of strength in the last weeks like signing of future for the Barça. His youth (21 years) and, however, his experience in the League BBVA, where carries already several seasons to the best level, do him candidate to reinforce the centre of the saga next summer. From time of Guardiola the club carries following him and preparing reports on his parties. The only that throws for backwards to the Catalans is his clause of rescission, 50 millions, to which has remitted in several occasions the group rojiblanco.

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